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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/17/2024 in Listings

  1. Hey all, So I have some AQSF & Bio-Tricho sitting in my fridge which I am not going to be using. So instead of wasting it, happy to give it away to anyone who will make use of it. Both bottles are open and I have used some, but there is still a lot left in both bottles. Either you must collect or pay for shipping.
    1 point
  2. Full grow set up for sale, used for two grows. Set up includes: 1m × 1m grow tent 4 Inch Mixed Flow In-line Fan (straps + 3D printed cover) - unused Non-insulated Air Ducting Hydrodepot LED Grow Light Panel Clip on USB Grow light (bought as a solution for loadshedding) 6 inch Grip Clip Fan - unused 4 × bug barriers & pipes for vents Ultrasonic humidifier - unused "Power wall" - 1 × 3m extension cord, 2 × multiplugs, 3 x timer plugs, removable stand for heating mat 3 × adjustable clips Drying net Water piping, taps, connectors, drippers Heating mat - unused Starter trays & incubator (with jiffy pellets) - unused 4 × used Freedom Grow Bags Shears Universal ClipType LED Cellphone Microscope Palm Peat block
    1 point
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