To those of you who don't own a credit card just yet or quite wisely never plan to but desperately wanna buy from one of the overseas seeds banks or other foreign online retailers, there is a great solution here in SA and it's called VCpay. Basically it creates a virtual credit card on your cell phone which you can then use as a normal credit card.
VCpay works with the more commonly known EasyPay which means it's totally trustworthy.
All you have to do is download the app on your phone (BB, Android, IOS) and create an EasyPay Account. Then top up your EasyPay wallet by either doing an EFT or depositing cash into your EP wallet at places such as Checkers & Shoprite who support EasyPay, go to the desks that sell Computicket's etc. Once you've got the cash in your EP wallet you can create the virtual card and use it just like any other credit card.
The great thing is that the card can be cancelled directly afterwards or it will cancel itself anyway in 24 hours.
Here's a link to their website for more info