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Everything posted by 420SA

  1. Hi Poison Ok firstly Indica, Sativa & Ruderalis are Species of the cannabis plant. Strains are the various varieties of those we're familiar with such as Durban Poison. Lets use Durban Poison as an example. The strain is Durban Poison and the species is Sativa. It's a pure Sativa meaning that it carries no indica genetics. Then you get crosses/hybrids. There are very few pure strains out there and the majority of strains around are hybrids.... such as White Widow. White Widow is a cross between a Brazilian pure Sativa and a South Indian pure Indica. That gives it a mix of sativa and indica genetics. The result of the cross was a 60% Indica and a 40% Sativa ratio. They then bred that Hybrid and it became a strain of its own. Then you get hybrids crossed with Hybrids and so new strain names keep popping up over time. Ruderalis is commonly used for Hemp and I have heard that Ruderalis has been crossed with the other species to create autoflowering strains. That's my chip in....
  2. Hi Guys To those of you in desperate need of Medicinal Cannabis in South Africa, it is possible to get a prescription for it. Although the process is apparently long and arduous. The Dagga Party have been passing on this prescription application form recently so I decided to place it up for download. Just click on the Attachment link below and the Form will download. Many thanks to the Dagga Party! Good luck! Section_21_Application_Form_MCC.pdf
  3. An article from the Huffington Post - 15/09/14 New York Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana In 2015 Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/15/new-york-recreational-marijuana_n_5825086.html
  4. The poll is at the top of this topic. Please note that Tapatalk doesn't support Polls so you'll need to either log on with a PC, or log on to the site through your phone's mobile browser and not Tapatalk to submit your vote.
  5. Ok guys Entries are officially closed! Time to get voting! The nominees are the 5 entrants: tokin'daily BirdFlu ash Totemic Maxwell
  6. Evening Folks! With the limited amount of entries received so far for BOTM, we're gonna push the closing date for entries to the 28th. To those of you that haven't entered, whether it's a fatty or skinny just post it up and who knows...
  7. You could build more of those and sell them looks neat and PRO Those built in plugs save a lot of wiring hassles!
  8. Came across this interesting article by the Dagga Movement. http://dagga.info/2014/09/21/effects-of-laced-dagga/ Another very good reason to grow your own and another major issue that is present due to prohibition.
  9. Greetings!!! If you haven't yet liked our Facebook page please do so guys. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/420south
  10. Welcome to the Forum AJ! Absolutely, that is the whole point! Looking forward to your logs Welcome Mac. Feel free to share some pics and logs of your grows Welcome to the forum Poison. Crazy how Cannabis has been slammed as a cause of Bipolar yet we have your case. Great to hear about how cannabis has helped you
  11. I will most definitely do that but that'll probably be towards the end of the year. I just checked up on that black/white poly film that Hortishop sells and I've worked out the rough total cost of everything based on the size that I wanna make the tent 50mm PVC Piping frame including connections (Builders Warehouse) - R505-00 Black/White Poly Film - R220-00 That makes a total of R725-00 which is not too bad...seeing as commercial tents go for over a grand for that size. Not sure about the pricee of the zippers but I'm sure they won't be too much. Else I'll just use velcro (know of a cheap supplier) For now I'll be saving up and then I'll definitely post up the pics when I get the project going
  12. Hi all I'm in the process of planning to build my own grow tent. Planned size is 120cm(Width) x 160cm(Height) x 120cm(Depth) . I want to fit at least 4 plants in there. First I considered building a grow cabinet but that will be too pricey. So I found out about building a grow tent with PVC piping as the frame as it can work out a lot cheaper than wood or steel. I've already planned out the frame and worked out the cost. My only concern is the actual material to wrap the tent with. Overseas they use something called "Panda Film" and you don't get that here in SA so does anybody know of any decent, possible and mostly affordable alternatives? It must be lightproof but doesn't have to be reflective as I will line it with sisalation anyway. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!
  13. Looking good bro!! Your pineapple express is EVERYWHERE! Huge! If I had to nit pick I'd probably say your plant on the far left is slightly overfed with the curling and leaf tips pointing down. Otherwise you are looking at one big harvest! Nice going
  14. What have you been medicating with recently??? Share with us!
  15. Hi Folks A funny story here at http://www.hightimes.com/read/pot-grower-made-cops-wait-until-he-finished-smoking-joint Big ups to the brave lad
  16. I'm glad to see quite a number of GSR seed buyers on the forum here though. Now we can collectively put those seeds to test, log them and if they do turn out to be false,it will forever be logged on this forum for all the growers to see seed banks can't hide from grow forums!
  17. Hi Folks Our competition deadlines are on the 25th, that's pretty soon and the entries are very few!!! Come on guys!!!!! Perhaps not many of you have grows going right now as the season turns but surely all of you have have rolled at least 1 joint this month? and smoked or least seen at least 1 bud? Come on ladies and gents, all you have to do is share your pics with the date on and you can win prizes!!! It's really as simple as that The comps are open to all members post up your entries now!!! ;D If anyone has any questions about these comps they can PM me.
  18. Yet another GSR seed buyer Please record your grow once you get it going ash
  19. Many welcomes Nomondeb, Ash & Crunchy!!! ;D
  20. Yes Captain! They are locally bred seeds and they are trusted
  21. Hi folks! As you may have noticed we have implemented a new Rating system and a 'Like' System. The rating system isn't enabled by default so when you are posting a new topic or post, simply expand the Attachments and other options and select Enable Post Ratings in topic. Alternatively, if you already have a post that you'd like rated, choose to modify your post and then follow the same procedure. The 'Like' system is enabled by default. You can see your Like Notifications by clicking Show Likes notification at the top left of the page by the date & time. Hope you all find the system useful
  22. Is that how seed breeders actually produce Feminized seeds??
  23. I've only ordered from Original Sensible but have read and heard of success from the others. On some occasions Sannies tracked options were confiscated however he will resend them until they get to you I believe.
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