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Everything posted by 420SA

  1. I've just rectified a serious issue with the classifieds. Listings were not showing to Regular Members. I re-saved the permissions and it all came right. @southern26 please can you check now and thanks for bringing this to my attention
  2. @DamDave sorry to hear about your trouble but if it's isolated to you then there must be an issue with your device specifically. Sorry I couldn't be of further assistance
  3. I'm keen to get a feel on what you guys may like to see stocked in our store in the future. Right now, it's very much a sideline project with not much attention paid to it although in the future I'd like it to stock unique genetics that our local breeders can offer. Other than that I don't want to stock it with items you'll find in many other online stores. I want it to be a bit more niche. Let us know what you would like to see in the store
  4. Here are June's SOTM winners! 2nd place @Camille 1st Place @StickyD420 We had a tied vote with 2 of his pics... they were WELL DONE GUYS! @StickyD420 please can you PM me the following details: Your name Delivery Address Contact Number @Camille you will be receiving your TheHighCo coupon code shortly
  5. 420SA

    Forum cuts

    I'm chiming in quite late here but can't say how happy I am to finally see initiatives like these starting up on the forum. I'd be more than happy to partake. I need some new genetics and I think this is the way I wanna go now. Trying out 420SA's finest. So those who are willing to sponsor me a cut I would be glad. I'll cover shipping of course
  6. Hi guys There was a delay in deciding our nominees this week but here they are. Sorry things are a bit all over the place at the moment. There has been a lot going on Images are in a total random order @StickyD420 #1 @Stinger96 @StickyD420 #2 @StickyD420 #3 @Camille @StickyD420 #4 @StickyD420 #5 @ORGANinc. @Fridgedoor @Burly
  7. I said earlier in this thread that we probs won't see the Hotbox show on for quite some time... Big respect to you guys for digging deep and making a very worthy tribute to the legend
  8. The statement from Fields of Green For all says: "During the early morning hours of Friday, 3 July 2020, an armed robbery took place at the property of Jules Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke, best known as The Dagga Couple. The attackers entered the couple’s bedroom and shot and fatally wounded Jules Stobbs. Myrtle was physically left unharmed and the attackers made off with two cellphones and two laptops." So we'll have to wait and see what the true story was. According to a security guard, when they returned there was a struggle in which he landed up being shot multiple times. The guard speculated they may have returned for Myrtle but its all speculation and time will reveal the truth regarding that
  9. Sorry guys the day job has just got me so busy at the moment. I have barely visited the forum in the past week. Closing date was 01/07/2020... that's 1st of July. Forgot to turn off the entries open tag, sorry about that We will get the nominees decided today hopefully and should have the winners for you near the end of the week
  10. Quite likely the last Hotbox show we'll see for a very long time. Aired last night...
  11. Reading this headline is hard enough. I honestly cannot believe it... We couldn't have had a better person leading the fight for cannabis freedom in our country.... his departure leaves an immediate void that only he could fill. No one else was/has been willing to go as far as him and Myrtle have gone to ensure that we achieve the rights that we cannabis users deserve. It's because of him and Myrtle that we enjoy the rights that we now currently have, and they still continued to fight for more ... Jules we are forever indebted to the work you have done for us. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. RIP good man! https://www.dispatchlive.co.za/news/2020-07-03-dagga-activist-julian-stobbs-fatally-shot-in-armed-robbery/ As for this country... I lose faith day by day...
  12. 420SA has a reputation based system in place to help you decide who is a credible member who has supplied good information/content on the forum in the past. You may have noticed a number with a + before it indicated on your profile, like below This indicates the number of reputation points received from your posts on 420SA How do I receive reputation points? Reputation points come from reactions you receive to your posts such as a Like, Agree, Thanks etc A positive reaction adds 1 point to your reputation. A neutral reaction adds no points to your reputation Here is a breakdown of what reactions give you reputation points: Like Positive (+1) ThanksEnabled Positive (+1) AgreeEnabled Positive (+1) HahaEnabled Positive (+1) ConfusedEnabled Neutral SadEnabled Neutral Becoming a Reputed Member? You may have noticed some members with a Reputed Member badge, like below This indicates that you have received 420 or more positive reactions on the forum
  13. Sorry to hear about your troubles @DamDave If you can give me a screenshot of the error message you get when trying to upload I might be able to help you further
  14. We now have a donation option available for those who would like to donate to 420SA. Your donation will be contribute to the following: Hosting Costs Forum software updates (these updates are crucial for security and a bug free experience) Future developments and improvement of features on the website You can CLICK HERE to donate Sorry there is no quicker payment solution on the website besides manual EFT. Unfortunately no payment merchants will run on the website when we are selling seeds
  15. Hi DamDave Unfortunately the classifieds are not available on Tapatalk anymore. The Classifieds board you have been trying to post to is being phased out and is not taking any further submissions. That is the most likely cause for the failed upload. We now have a dedicated Classifieds area HERE but you will need to access it on your phone's browser and not Tapatalk.
  16. I can't prove it with any chemical analysis but I wouldn't trust their gas as being impurity free. Newport claims to be almost impurity free so even their butane isn't 100% impurity free but it's the best on our local market for the purpose. If you're not using a vacuum chamber then you're putting yourself at even more risk. All those impurities have a decent chance of ending up in your lungs unfortunately. From face value Alva is a low end, relatively cheap butane available in SA, I wouldn't trust it personally. Don't panic though, who knows it may be good enough, but for peace of mind I would just stick with Newport from now on. At least they claim its almost impurity free. The other butane suppliers in this country don't.
  17. @Newbe_2020 please follow the steps @TheUltimateNoob suggests above. Will get you to the site.
  18. I transferred the SSL cert for the store over to this domain but will be renewing the stores cert before the end of the month. This domain's cert should be active. Does it still show as insecure for you?
  19. Hi @Newbe_2020 The SSL encryption certificate has expired and will be renewed in the next few days. It is still possible for you to access the site. Which browser are you using? Nothing wrong with the site otherwise
  20. I thought it was maybe a local problem. Looks to be so. Hope you not blasting with those alva cans?
  21. Is it usually under the counter? The spar I get from usually has them displayed in the kiosk where you get cigarettes etc. Plain to see. That's now empty Perhaps the staff member I spoke to wasn't so sure. Will have to talk to the manager
  22. So with our very interesting/suspicious tobacco ban currently in place, I can't find a single store stocking Newport butane. My local spar always stocks it but since this tobacco ban they aren't allowed to sell it. The ban is ridiculous enough but this is really not making any sense by any stretch of reason. Along with the ban on bloody rolling papers Look NDZ, I know you and Mazotti are coining it large but us stoners need our butane and rolling papers, it won't affect your oversized pockets
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