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Everything posted by 420SA

  1. Welcome bud Let's see a pic and we can tell you. Best way is to check the trichomes yourself but we can help you better if you post a pic
  2. PLANT OF THE MONTH MARCH/APRIL 2022 Sponsored by www.thehighco.co.za & www.aeradix.co.za WINNING PRIZE R500-00 TheHighCo Voucher sponsored by TheHighCo PLUS Mixed set of TerpLoc Bags valued at R200-00 sponsored by Aeradix ENTRIES CLOSE 30/04/22 How to enter? Simply reply to this thread with your entries. You can attach the images to your reply or embed the images Competition rules: Each member can enter a maximum of 3 different plants In order to ensure authenticity you are required to take a picture of your plant with the date and your username or name, handwritten or printed onto a piece of paper or whatever you choose. It is important that the tag with your username and date is tangible (can be touched). No digital watermark tags will be accepted. This is to ensure that your plant's photo was taken during this month. Photos of plants MUST NOT be taken under HPS lights or multi coloured LED lights. The prevents the plant's colour's from being judged correctly. Photographing them with a flash at night or under natural light such as the sun, or in a well lit room will do fine. Please post a photo of the whole plant in at least one image please. Plants cannot be judged on a single cola Members may post as many updated photos of the same plant as they want but the images must always contain the tag. Should the date and name tag hinder you from taking a decent photo you may post another photo of the same plant, without the tag, along with your tagged photo on the same date. Once entries close, the moderators will select 10 nominees. The nominated plants will then be judged by our competition voting panel who will vote for the winner. May the best plant win GOOD LUCK!
  3. Fellow members of the exchange Please let us know what packaging has worked best for you to courier seeds or clones. Also please let us know which courier you are having the most success with at present
  4. Welcome to the Seed/Clone Exchange board on 420SA Please read our rules & safety guidelines below which will help ensure a more safe trading environment on this forum: Rules No exchange of money may take place whatsoever. This area is purely for exchanges/swapping or complimentary giveaways. Do not supply your personal details anywhere other than in a Private Message or further down the line in your communications. Personal details will be removed if found in posts. Personal details include - Name & Surname, Email Address, Contact Number, Address Safety Guidelines The use of this area is entirely at your own own risk. 420SA cannot be held liable for any loss or any nefarious activity that may take place as a result of contact made from this area. It's up to you to decide whether a person can be trusted or not. 420SA will do our best with the tools at hand on our end to determine whether a member is acting dishonestly or not and will take action if necessary. If you are genuinely concerned about a members credibility you may contact myself (Admin) to see if we can provide any further info to support your concern. As stated though, only if you are genuinely concerned, it is ultimately up to your judgement. Clones and/or seeds sent by courier can still be confiscated if found. However some couriers are more lenient than others. For the latest on packaging tips and the safest couriers to use see our Courier & Packaging Tips thread by CLICKING HERE Happy & safe trading!
  5. Hey guys The number of entries in our past few SOTM's have been disappointing... so perhaps we should have a look at running our Plant Of The Month competition again. How do you guys feel about that? Or perhaps something entirely different? Please let me know with your vote in the poll or please reply to this thread with your comments and/or suggestions. The poll options are as follows: I'm keen for a POTM, I have plants going at the moment and will enter the March POTM I would prefer we continue with SOTM I would prefer we continue with SOTM but would like the management of the competitions to be more structured. I'd like something something completely different The standard of prizes at the moment is not enough motivation for me to enter I'm of course fully conscious of the fact that at times my running of the comp has been far short of professional. With late winner announcements etc. If this puts you off entering comps please do let me know as well and I will do my best to find a way to run these comps smoother Cheers
  6. Sorry guys! I moved houses at the beginning of the month. Been a wild ride securing an internet connection. Here's our winner @John Stonedwell Congratulations! You'll have received your coupon code from me by PM
  7. Please see this THREAD for details
  8. Did they use Agent Orange in SA??
  9. Wouldn't hold my breath for that commission. I think the emergence of activists such as the Dagga Couple and the Dagga Party, coupled with social media put that BS to an end. Somebody needed to stand up for those people as they had no voice for themselves.
  10. Just watched all 3 now and really enjoyed it. Awesome to see all the fields along the Umzimvubu and what kinda genetics they hold. So much history and legacy that sits with those growers. I must say that rafting trip they took is serious bucket list material
  11. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH JANUARY 2022 This month is sponsored by www.thehighco.co.za 1ST PRIZE R500-00 voucher to spend at thehighco.co.za Sponsored by TheHighCo HOW TO ENTER? Simply reply to this thread with your entries. Attach the images to your reply or embed the images from a 3rd party website. No linking to social media posts please Snapshot of The Month Rules: Original images only please. If your entries are found to have been pulled from the internet your entry will be void. Members can enter a maximum of 5 images each. Images entered this month may not be entered in future competitions. If you enter more than 5 images, the last 5 images you posted will be considered. Members can submit photos and/or graphics designs of their own. Once entries close, entries will be narrowed down to 10 nominees which will then go to a private poll with the forum's Competition Voting Panel Members who come 1st in an SOTM are only illegible for a prize again in 12 months Members who place other than 1st place may only win a prize twice in a 12 month window. Judging Criteria: Overall originality - What sets the image apart from others. Creativity & Effort - was there a good amount of creative thought and effort that went into the image. Wow factor - does the image get attention. Quality and clarity - Is the detail in the image decent. Is the photograph clear, well focused and not blurry. ENTRIES CLOSE 31/01/22 GOOD LUCK! --------------------------------------------
  12. 420SA hasn't been active on Instagram for quite some time now so it may not come as much of a loss but nevertheless without warning, Instagram decided to delete the forum's page in December. No reason given, no email received. I think the page had accumulated around 2.5k followers before it was taken down and hadn't had a post in months. I believe a large number of cannabis related pages also got taken down in December as well so it clearly was part of a recent campaign. I personally have no intention to start up another page unless the need really arises so for now there will be no 420SA page on Instagram. Fortunately the Facebook page still exists...for now. Has anyone else had their pages banned or know of any big pages that got deleted recently?
  13. Hi guys This may be a slight inconvenience to some but 420SA will soon no longer be accepting the use of your Display Name (Username) to login to your account. You'll need to use the email address associated with your account. This is purely a security measure as your display names are displayed publicly on this forum, which is a security risk and does allow a hacker to hammer away with your account until they may possibly come right a password. Of course, with a community such as this, the risk is very low for something like that happening but better safe than sorry. This is about the safety of your account first and foremost. This change will take effect on 10 January 2022. If anyone is unsure what email address is associated with their account. Just drop me a message. Cheers
  14. Happy new year guys! Wishing you all a successful year Let's hope that 2022 will be a little less and a little more
  15. @Ponica love the idea and would be great for guys to be able to track your grow in real time. Unfortunately we don't allow PHP in signatures for security reasons
  16. I have pondered over the idea of a "Supporting Membership" with an annual fee but wouldn't want to keep any helpful info behind a paywall, but rather the membership would give access to exclusive giveaways and such from vendors etc. The community however is still too small and it wouldn't make viable sense for giveaway sponsors I don't think.
  17. Sorry for the recent bursts of totally random but very baitworthy threads being thrown out by certain "seed companies"... There is one guy, or bot, that is signing up under a multitude of different seedbank names and trying to get traction by using commonly searched keywords in his topic titles. He's proving to be quite persistent as he continues to sign up under more accounts. Unfortunately we cannot ban his IP as his IP is continually changing as well. Please bare with us as we try to handle him. He should give up eventually. If you spot any suspicious baiting topics please report the topic immediately
  18. Howzit guys I did do a small background check on them and could not find any reason for them to be considered as suspect. Trust pilot reviews - https://www.trustpilot.com/review/stickyseeds.co.uk They have also been around for a few years now. If you guys find any causes for concern that you would like to raise please do. I totally understand your point of view @Weskush but advertising helps to keep the forum running. We do not endorse or oppose the advertisers on this forum. If they appear to be trusted then we have no reason to not allow them to advertise here.
  19. Thank you @Light It Up for sponsoring the headline prize!
  20. Can all winners please PM the following details to me Name Delivery Address Contact Number
  21. And here we are finally... It's been an agonizing wait for many of you, for some of you the wait will have been worth it. This growoff has produced many quality grows, many more than our previous growoff and big up to all of you who made it till the end. I would gladly smoke bud from any of your trees! Without any further blabbering let's get straight to the point and announce our winners Please note that winners of overall prizes are ineligible for the category prizes Category Prizes The Fattest Cola @CreX Best Grow Diary @McMan DIARY LINK Best Trained Plant @Prom Overall Prizes 3rd Place @iGrowDagga 2nd Place @SkunkPharm Our Champion @mantis 1st place was a VERY tough decision to make for us. Mantis and Skunkpharm both produced superb grows. Both with differing appealing qualities. What it ultimately came down to was which grow had the least flaws and @SkunkPharm I'm afraid your small thrips infestation is what counted against you and tipped the scale in favour of @mantis. It was a margin as fine as that. As I say though, you guys both produced two very solid grows. The simple way to put how we judge this competition is we are looking for the grow that is the most "Pro". Would the grow be accepted according to an indoor commercial grow operation standard. Those are harsh but necessary standards, and the same applies here in this comp. Meeting the criteria is key. Thank you to all of you who came along for this ride. Congratulations to all our winners Thank you to our genetics sponsor Thank you to @Totemic for sponsoring the genetics that I feel did really well overall this comp. Very promising for the future indeed! And of course our generous prize sponsors @Light It Up @Aeradix Green Smoke Room @Cannabist Green Grow Room @ExploGrow @Golden-Goose @THCSA (TheHighCo.) @Futurama Hydroponics Till next time!
  22. 420SA


    When did you flip? Before or after the 3rd of July? That cutoff date only applied if you flipped after the 3rd of July Nevertheless, if you declared your grow ready for judging on the 7th you'll remain in the running then. Sorry for the confusion
  23. 420SA


    @GGG this very move has unfortunately cost you a chance in this competition.... It is clearly stated in the rules that you are not allowed to have your plants under the sun for an extended period of time, other than to take photos. I'm afraid we have to disqualify you. We simply cannot judge your plants after they have spent 12 days under the sun. Please remember to read the rules carefully in the future. Else it leads to harsh realities such as this.
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