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Everything posted by 420SA

  1. Nug Of The Month March 2016 You can enter up to 3 nuggets of your own Creativity with your photos will definitely aid your chances of winning Same rule as POTM. Please include a tangible(can be touched) tag in your photo with date and display name Entries close 25/03/16 and a poll will run thereafter for 5 days. Good luck!
  2. We can try it out for March GLO but I don't see it taking off either. Lets see...
  3. Stoned Kids - WEEDIQUETTE Episode 1
  4. February was a dead month for POTM unfortunately... Onwards to POTM March Sorry aj and GLO
  5. Another post from the DC on FB
  6. Just picked up on the news that the event was cancelled again! Fucking pigs Here's a post on FB from the DC Does anyone know more info? Those who were going must be gutted
  7. @CerealKilla don't be fooled in to potting up too soon in coco. I made the same mistakes. I noticed lots of roots popping out the bottom of the pot like a week after potting up and so I would pot up again but that's not necessary, not with coco. There's still plenty space for more root growth in the pot . Roots grow very fast in coco and the roots will reach the bottom long before the rest of the pot is filled out. When you think you should pot up don't and let the root ball fill out the whole pot. You don't even need to pot up much in coco, 3 to 4 stages max.
  8. I've read that and it does make sense but I have experienced overwatering from a plant that had been in its pot for some time and that was from watering every day. I'd stay on the safe side and water every 2nd or 3rd day. It's a waste of water and nutes to water coco every day anyway I reckon. Of course tis only me
  9. Sad news indeed :'( http://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/the-trial-of-the-plant-postponed/
  10. Ok so we've got 2 entries and an entry without a tag. @DeltaLabs you're not gonna try out an entry here with your dawg? Who else? CK? @Dabtzar you forgot the tag bud
  11. 420SA has ungerone a minor face lift Click refresh on your browser if you're still seeing the old logo Hope ya'll like the new look!
  12. Hey bud watering every day is a bad idea! Some sites may suggest that but they don't know your particular growing conditions. The fact that your coco has no perlite means its gonna retain a shite load of water. Best way to judge when to water next is by feeling the weight of the pot. Once its very light you must water again.... otherwise spread out the waterings to every three days or so. Definitely not every day That clawing you see there is a result of overwatering
  13. Doing a weekly spray myself with Pyrol. Spider mites
  14. Just a quick question cheese. Why didnt you mix your coco with perlite?
  15. Well I'm not saying that for sure but sometimes when I place rooted clones into medium I get that shriveling wrinkly effect. It usually takes about a week for a plant to settle and get back to its business after a transplant
  16. I reckon its shock from the transplant. Better looking growth should show in a week
  17. We know kim will be on a keen lookout for these "certified organic" labels http://www.news24.com/Green/News/colorado-debates-organic-labels-for-marijuana-20160218?isapp=true shared via News24
  18. aj your photoshopping skills are shockingly below par now I'm not sure whether to believe that your plant is actually green and not yellow as in your pic .... lol
  19. @Dabtzar you can post your pic now. Tapatalk is getting permissions all confused @Ajcapetown you need a tag in there with your name and date in there bud. Poor form
  20. I reckon if you're in an apartment or don't have much garden space, hydro growing is the better option to me. Hydro is much cleaner cos there isn't really any "dirt" to deal with. A blessing when your grow room has a carpet and you're anal about cleanliness... As skolley says you need the outside space element to be able to get the best out of an organic grow, unless you're getting your soil premixed like from Jamies GS. You need the space to mix soils, do composting whether its worm farming or a compost heap and a place for your soil to cook. Hydro growing can be expensive but it doesn't necessarily have to be. At hortishop you can get those powdered nute packs for 60 bucks which aren't as good as Nutriplex but they aren't bad either. At the end of the day both methods are way cheaper than buying bud
  21. Hey CK. Espom is great but using too much will cause salt build up which will throw your PH all over the place. Maybe use it every 4th feed. Do you ever water with just PHed water no nutes? It's good to alternate waterings with clean water and water mixed with nutes. You'll also get salt build up from the Nutriplex(or any chemical nutrient) if you don't flush your coco regularly. This is what you should consider supplementing with instead of epsom. It's what I use now in hydro http://growguru.co.za/shop/cal-mag-calcium-magnesium-supplement/
  22. The avo drought getting to you HB?
  23. The crop spraying continues this year as usual.... but there's gonna be some resistance this time... hopefully http://city-press.news24.com/News/cancer-causing-cop-sprays-20160130
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