Hi folks
Just a quick question with regards to my veg cab.
What would be more effective? 2 x 85w CFL's or just 1 x 150W MH? The cabs dimensions are W100xH100XD85
To me the MH seems like a far better option seeing as it pushes out 17300 lumens while the CFL's push out a lousy combined 8000 lumens. What would you guys use in this case?
Hi wallis. I've been using that horti testing solution with no problems. It's not ideal but it works. When I test RO water with a PH of 6.0 the solution indicates a PH of 6.0 which is yellow. When I test tap water I get a light blue.
That is the PH of your water I'm afraid lol
To check the solution's accuracy I'd suggest buying a small bottle of mineral water, check the label on the bottle for the water's PH and then test it with the solution and compare the result.
I don't think being traced through these apps is anything to worry about. Just do some research to find out if anyone has been traced through the app you want to use. Highly unlikely that you'll find any cases...
I quite like the WeedLog app. It allows you to run a basic grow journal with pictures. Has a large seed database to choose from.
The best app I'm sure is Grow Buddy but that isn't available on most android phones and I don't own a tablet.
So I've done some digging around for Grow Journal apps for Android and have come across the following. Haven't tried them out properly but thought maybe you guys can try them out and give your review.
Search for these in the Play Store:
My Grow Log Lite
Mary's Diary Lite
Tell us what you think
Exactly. JZ has a lot on his plate let's feel for him, most of the time he has to work on new ways to cover his ass and then he still has to 'try' and manage this country's issues all this at his tender age...
Maybe if he just smoked a fatty, sat back and realised the cash crop potential of weed in this country it would move up the priority list....
Besides from the obvious embarrassing madness that ensued last night... not single word from Zuma last night regarding legalisation... unless I missed something?
When say plants by the fan do you mean all of them? lol
The B2B is looking hungry so I gave her a feeding of 870PPM on Wednesday and seems to be improving very slowly. I'm a bit worried it's a PH issue. Might need a flush
Toby and Fire the cheapest option I found in terms of CFL'S is by Eagle lighting in Cape Town. They sell a local brand called Flash and they produce CFL's up to 400w if I'm not mistaken. Their 85w is R160 or somewhere around there. Check out their higher wattages as well. Prices not too bad
Time for an update on proceedings
Nearing the end of veg in the tent and I plan to switch to 12/12 next weekend.
Did some LST with the TBH and B2B. The B2B's branches are quite thin and make it very easy to LST so I've given her quite a lot of spread, should allow her to push up a couple more tops.
I did 2 forms of training on the 2 clones I have in the tent now(other clone went outside). I Supercropped the B2B clone and FIMMed the TBH clone.
I plan to veg the clones and the other 2 seedlings in my veg cab I'm currently finishing up, then add them to the flower tent when they're ready to flower. That'll swing into action as soon as my tent switches to flower.
Will post my update on the first day of 12/12. Till then
Thunderbud Haze
Perhaps not the conventional way but I like to use thin wire to do LST
Black To Black
Supercropped B2B Clone
FIMMed TBH Clone
I'm growing in a 150x150 tent right now. My plan is to have 6 medium sized plants flowering under a 600w in it. You could even have 2 reflectors in the tent with 2x400w if you wanted to, I reckon that would be ideal for the tent actually.
If you have the space to accommodate the 150x150 then get it, it's much better suited to a 600w than an 80x80