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Everything posted by Dabtzar

  1. Hi Skotene You can get Butane at most tobacconists. Newport is the best brand available at the moment that I know of, But as long as you purge your extract properly you can get most of the solvent out, if using a lesser quality butane. ISO is available at most dis-chems but you want as close to 99% or higher if you can attain it. Remember you have to purge it properly to have a safe product. test a small sample with a flame and see if it ignites. if so, purge more. AND MOST OF ALL. BE SAFE. DON'T EXTRACT INDOORS WITHOUT PROPER VENTILATION. NO OPEN FLAMES, SPARKS OR ANY IGNITION SOURCE. ALWAYS EXTRACT OUTDOORS IN NOT USING A CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM. PEACE
  2. Yeah totally. Just make sure you hang it flat as possible aswell. And be careful not to let mold grow behind it, if the RH get high. You can also use flat enamel white paint. Peace
  3. Good work. Hold it up to the light, If you see light thru it, it's not gonna reflect well enough.
  4. Some lavender X jades superfrost Week 6 into flower. (excuse the bad pic)
  5. Hey all, so here is an entry. How many can we give? How do you add pics on tapa?
  6. Increase your exhaust to 8".ur should definitely help.
  7. Dabtzar


    Welcome Gino Good to hear you using the natural way to heal. hope all goes well
  8. One intake on the lower level and one exhaust above your light is sufficient. Like Max said, too many holes and entry points, make it a bugs life.
  9. Hi Toby Ok so firstly have you ever grown Hydroponics before? And are you growing indoors or out? Peace
  10. Welcome Skotene Good to see some ex Blue uniforms on the forum. Im sure you will find all the info you need here, everyone here is willing to help another person in need. Hope to see what you make and grow. Peace
  11. I'd like to add a strain to that from South Africa.
  12. Yeah I would say flush them out very well then wait a few days to see results. Chemical nutes in soil is not a good idea...
  13. With that space you can grow out 6 medium sized plants very well under a scrog, maybe expect anything from min 30/ Max 70 per plant... all depending on system, training and proficiency of your grow. Peace
  14. This is going to be fun. Good idea 420
  15. @Fire. Just put a screen above the height of your ready vegged plants that are being flipped to 12/12 say about 100-200mm. fix the screen steady and when your plants go into flower they are going to start stretching up. A plant will grow 2x/3x its size when put into flower. When the stems start to go through the net let them grow about +-300mm above it, then start to weave the stems back down so that they are now horizontal and not growing verticle. In a couple hours you will see the leaves and all turn up to the light. Then just keep repeating till the screen is full.
  16. If you do a scrog properly you should only have to move your lights once or twice. Scrogs are great if you make it removable, so when harvest time comes its not a mission. and obviously the Net its self is replaceable. Just remember to tie it down so the plants dont lift the screen as they grow. And weave weave weave
  17. A clone once cut and made to root, will go back to veg. Its gotta produce roots and foliage, so going into vegetative stage is the only way is knows to survive. you can clone plants in flower, but it's gonna take a long time for it to go back into veg, longer than if it were a vegging mother plant. The growth out of a "super clone" they call it. Is going to be sporadic, but still good.. Respect
  18. Those are some long hairs bud... Gonna be orange!!
  19. That is if all the other parameters are right. Or you really just wasting C02. Co2 is very tricky to get it to actually work for you.
  20. I get that flack from my mom sometimes, she has a rant about me smoking, so I tell her its better than smoking crack every day. And im 29 years old lol As an adult one has the choice to do anything they want to their own body. If you live under their roof that's another story if you respect them. Other than that I feel like my rights are violated, having to watch over my shoulder all the time. And yet some dick can go drink himself into the gutter and no one bothers to call the cops on him. I want to smoke in the smokers area or out the front door and not be afraid of being locked up.. Im not much of a drinker so for me to get up at a restaurant and go smoke and come back inside and get a funny loook.... that grinds my gears!!!!!
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