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Everything posted by capetoker

  1. hi so this is my entry this my second time with blunt paper does anyone know a good brand for blunt paper ? because these dont stick to well but it worked out great in the end time to light
  2. Sup guys so im a student only been smoking for 2 years i cant remember my last complete sober day but thats just because everyone smokes here so its difficult to go hang anywhere and not get high --edited--- if cannabis is legal ---edited--- i would maybe like to get into the cannabis industry since i have a feeling that its going to get very big from hemp to fuel it would be nice but right now thats just a wish im also going to start growing soon like 3 plants iv read so many diffrent grow setups and growing ebooks but still nervous and its difficult because its expensive and im not sure where to get all the equipment localy since i dont have a credit card i cant order online other hobbies are: gym rapping and the hip hop culture Parties
  3. decided to have another go hope this attempt is a bit better its just a sample so not really clean just a idea
  4. This is a quick way to cannabutter. make sure to use salted butter since it has a higher smoke point. once u have the cannabutter u can make basicly any MEDICAL EDIBLE imaginable 1. Melt the butter on low heat in a medium saucepan. 2. Add the ground buds to the melted butter a little bit at a time, stirring in between. 3. Simmer on a low heat for 30-45mins, stirring frequently. You should start to see small bubbles slowly forming on the surface. 4 Strain the butter into the container using the metal strainer to filter out the ground buds. 5 Press the spoon against the gound bud in the metal strainer to release all the cannabutter. The Finished Result! You can use the cannabutter immediately or store it in the refrigerator for later.
  5. okay thanks i understand what u looking for now it was just when i saw the word totemic i thought of a totem pole off to go get me some herbal inspiration and then have another go at it
  6. this is the best quality i can post due to file size limit but just wanted to know if i was on the right course
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