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  1. I looked at the entrance way and decided maybe to make a type sliding door fitted onto the inside of the room. I will use your design for the actual door because i cant really think of another way haha. Thanks for the advice and tips. I will update as the project progress this week. I made a stupid mistake of fermenting inside the veg room and that smell attracted a lot of fungus rats. Now i too know what little basterds they can be to get rid of. This set me back just by 2 weeks before i get the room going. No point moving the plants with pest only do spread them into that environment also.
  2. Yes. And i need advice on how to make a light trap please. Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
  3. Good day fellow phytanaughts. Any cool hacks or DIY tricks? Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
  4. That is an idea, thanks. How big light are you talking about, 50watt led security light?
  5. Good evening. I have been thinking about a challenge/problem i can not figure out. This year is the first time i grow under a light. Many previous years I started a couple of seeds around the middle of August and every year around November and mid December some of them flower followed by reveging a couple of weeks later. Some of these plants would get stuck in a cycle of flower and shoot formation with single blade leaflets that attracts a lot of insect activity. So i was wondering if i were to move a plant from 18 hour days to just over 11 hours now and reaching 12 hours in 6 weeks from now will the plants behave and flower through? I am running out of space.. Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
  6. Any new news on this strain? Iwould like to see photos of the actual plant both in veg and in bloom.
  7. Awesome setup dude! Ek het net gister met n Developer gepraat wat soos n sonof switch controler will ontwikkel wat ligte, temp en ventilation beheer, hyt my gevra wat dink ek kan nog bygesiy word en ek het hom gesê "'n kammara" hahaha! Dis excellent dude, baie goeie werk.
  8. Thanks man. Ja ek moet self ook sê daardie sade van Bayseeds het ook weer 'n auto bestselling binne my begin roer.Dit lyk baie goed en dis local, so supply die chain maak minder impak op die kiemkrag van die sade. Dis een van die dae weer super Auto tyd, ek dink so van vroeg tot mid September is die "Goldilocks" tydp om autos buite te begin. Ek oorweeg om die hele batch van F1 regular tot die F2 fems wat binnekort uitkom op een slag n goeiego te gee.
  9. Een van my persoonlike projekte wat my besig hou van 2019 af en waaroor ek baie opgewonde is en uitsien om met beter tegnieke te ontwikkel niu dat ek altyd n somersdag het is die plante. Hulle trek nou by die 4de geslag en die verlangde uienskappe kom nou 100% voor in die sailinge en uiteindelik die volwasse plante.
  10. Middag Pants. Ek groei nog altyd outdoors maar het junie maand my indoor deur oop gemaak. Op 15 Junie het dit so begin. En vandag trek ons hier. Ek oorweeg om ⅓ van die kamer so vanaf die 15de Augustus uit te skuif na n greenhouse of tonnel toe. Die ronte het my kaans gegee om met SoG te experimenteer en ek dink dit gaan die standaard word vir my.
  11. Vitki

    Bay Seeds

    Is this the seed momma?
  12. Thanks. Im going past there tomorrow afternoon. Will update.
  13. Good day everyone, how's it? I was wondering if anyone know of a hydro or grow shop in the north side of Pretoria? It doesn't feel right to pay more for shipping than an item is worth so i would rather collect. Thanks.
  14. Dit is net wat ek wil hoor. Baie dankie tjomma! Ek sien hier is heelwat local saad kweekers ook aktief in die groep. Dardie Tortoni van Totemic lyk bedonerd!
  15. Vitki

    Bay Seeds

    I can not wait, are these seeds the result if your 200 plant mass plantation?
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