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Everything posted by Totemic

  1. @Dutchpride That is a lovely space to work with. Can't wait to see it when you flip the circuit breaker.
  2. Can you tell me more about your air circulation in the space. I know it may sound odd, but if I have to describe my environment, it's a hot, dry, very windy environment.
  3. Im using the ones from china 9 LED's and 9 600w 400v HPS, ya i think the LED's were around 30k something so budget went down the drain there lol. The room is +/- 40m2 ( its a funny shaped room ) I've just googled allot also on dutch forums and there are lots of arguments of which is better, basically it is that HPS = quantity and LED is Quality and a mixture is a little less quantity and a little more quality. therefore i wanted to test out the theory myself. Would like to see a pic of this grow room dude.
  4. Well, the way I see it, is that this is not a chat room really, and that's possibly why people aren't chatting. This is a forum, and while still young, will serve as many different things to different users. To me personally a forum is a place I can learn, and teach. A place to store valuable information in the form of contributions by members for future reference and and and..... Forums' that are more silly chatter than substantial information are useless to the next person that is just getting into growing, and searching for information.
  5. It's sisalation, and available in 30m rolls ,1.2m wide for about R600 at any builders warehouse or other hardware store.
  6. So, bit of a bump here... There is only 1 week left to get your entries in everyone.
  7. Thanks. Well drainage isn't really an issue to me, since the whole scrog is portable. When it is watering time, the plant comes out of the cab, and the pot fits neatly into a 25l bucket. I water...it drains. This also lifts the plant up, and while she is draining I take the time to clean a bit under the net while comfortably sitting on the floor. Yeah, the structure of the clone was just right I think. I think I'll definitely be yielding closer to the 150-200g mark. She is a big yielder, but I am limited in my vertical space to let her colas just go, so you might be right, and she could yield less because I need to control the height.
  8. Hey everyone. 9 days later into veg, and here is a quick update. Her roots have settled now, and I probably have only about 2 weeks of veg left.
  9. You've just transplanted them. I would let them veg, and fill the pots they are in, and then do a repot into final containers early January.
  10. Don't feel bad at all for jumping the gun. It takes a few years to really get a annual calendar planned and working smoothly, and even then life is going to happen. Remember to grow the way you want to grow. 65l pots work for me, but it isn't a rule hey. The important thing I think is to enjoy the journey while growing. Even embrace the slight flops that come along from time to time.
  11. Yeah it does save on cloning to sex, but it does set your ladies back a bit, as the hormonal changes in the plant take weeks to shift from the one side to the other. Outdoors, the bigger the pots the better. When Cannabis is planted into the ground, a huge tap root drives down to anchor and support the plant, while the feeder roots usually only occupy the upper 30 cm of soil, and spread out laterally. This is what the plant wants to do genetically. So when you plant in a container, your cannabis plant is going to want to grow out its roots exactly the same, except the tap root smashes into the bottom of a usually small starter container, and forces all focus to the feeder roots, which in turn hit the walls. and and and...you get the idea. A good general rule of thumb when planting in containers is to allow 4l per month you intend to keep the plant alive, and double that for outdoor. So for example if I am going to do a 4 month indoor grow, anything less than 16l will cause issues, but I go 25l to be sure. Outdoors, I use 65l pots, and I only plant my seeds in November. But then I don't want such huge plants. I'm just bantering on here, but I hope some of it helps.
  12. Looking good. You do realize that they are going reveg, and not continue flowering. They should then go into flower again in Feb. Those pots might also become root bound if you are not careful.
  13. Thanks for the votes guys and gals. And thanks to Hydro Herb Africa. My package arrived today.
  14. Yeah smokey. I'll probably be tucking for the next 2 weeks, then flip. Let her stretch for the first week or 2, then tie her down flat on the net. She stretches for about 4 weeks and the colas need to be kept under 30 cm from net to glass. I tell you 420, I got the scrog idea from another very talented grower. Yeah, the 250 is working really well for the space, and the spread is almost perfect for that net size. It does help that the 250 can hover about 5cm above the canopy, since a 250 doesn't really penetrate well, and the sweet spot is at 14cm bulb distance.
  15. You asked for a log so this will be the one. I was planning on running another strain, but this clone just happened to be much older than the others, so less veg time. The other part for choosing this Jack, is because I know her very well, and if I can pull off a grow in that space with her, then any strain will do just fine. Temps go as high as 29 when its in the mid 30's outside, so that's perfect. Humidity ranges between 30% - 50%. The medium is coco/perlite ( about 80/20 ratio ), flushed and pre charged with CalMag, and running Hortishop's A+B + MKP. Current concentration is 300ppm with a 2-1-1 ratio ( 1ml/l - 0.5ml/l - 0.5ml/l ), pH'ed to 5.9. The scrog net is 45 x 60cm in size, divided into 117 blocks ( 9 x 13 ).
  16. Cannabis is good for so many things in my life, I don't even know where to start. I suffer from depression, insomnia, and chronic pain from serious bike accidents in earlier days. I am also tightly wound and stressed as we all are in this rat race, Cannabis really comes through in this department too. As far as what it does for my lifestyle; I dont drink alcohol at all. I'd much rather chill with a fat joint after a hard days graft, over toxic alcohol. By growing Cannabis, it has brought me back to a time in my life before there where cellphones and all this tech, so I spend hours in the garden. I grow and breed so many other plants, and that is my passion and happiness. As far as my mindset and outlook, Cannabis has definitively changed the way I perceive life for the better. Man, This list can go on and on.... It's so painfully clear that we as human beings are supposed to use cannabis!
  17. Keep a look out for them hermies. Do you have the space to grow them all out if most of them turn out female? There is another 4 months of solid veg left, and if you aren't going to confine the roots you could end up with monsters. Monsters that smell!
  18. So the cabinet has been running for 24 hours, and today was rather hot in CT, but the temperature at 15:30 was 29 in the cab. Humidity was at 33% which is a bit low for veg, but still doable, and will work well for flower. All I still need to do is put the scrog net together.
  19. Hi BP, This is a crowd sourcing project, and open to as many entries as you like. I would however suggest that you focus on one design and get it looking striking, as this logo will be the new face of Totemic.
  20. Hi guys and gals. You only have until the end of the month to get your entries in, so get busy. Those of you that have sumitted your entries, they look great!
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