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Everything posted by GGG

  1. Looks like it's working, seedlings look great. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  2. Agreed , there stil might be mites or eggs left and they will lay eggs or eggs will hatch. Spray weekly with water for atleast 3 weeks Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  3. Ooh yes , forgot you in flower [emoji51], not good to spray after week 3-4 . But sometimes we need to do what needs to be done. You can spray just the leaves whenever you want in flower bit not the bud, def needs a bud wash if late in flower. Some peeps just spray the spiders of the plant with plain water , but you need a nice force just to you not braking the leaves more or less Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  4. GGG

    Growoff Updates

    Wow 22 is so much info that gets shared eventually . This is going to be an epic one. [emoji91][emoji123][emoji91] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  5. GGG


    All good brother, il just do 3 and take one out of the updates , will label also so that I won't be able to sneak that one in later [emoji1787]. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  6. GGG


    Will do Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  7. Plants look healthy , nice Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  8. Pyrol work but , I do 10ml Pyrol and 10ml Neem per litre of water, Pyrol can cause phototoxidity if to strong. Spray when light are of also Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  9. The little white spots might be thrips or spider mites , mine looks simular and I have the Spider mites [emoji57] . Gave mine a Sulfer spray and will continue with neem and Pyrol. They are mother f@#$&+_ Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  10. 90% of the time I use FF Super Soil that he makes on request for me , after one grow in that I amend with the Elemental Blend at 50ml/L (just to be safe) then it's good to go. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  11. Jip you correct [emoji6] , see I fast typed to fast [emoji1787]. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  12. I tried both ways to mix it and both were great 1. Old soil he recommends 10-30ml per litre so I just went 50ml and added a cup of worm castings per 25L pot . 2 I used a thind of each , Coco/perlite/spagnum peat moss and as recommended 1L per litre , didn't add castings because I wanted to see if it worked . Only problem I had that the medium was very light and dried out quicker than reused , so watered everyday but just less, roots loved that lightness. I think it works out to R80 a bag then. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  13. A product that works great for reammending is that Elemental Blend from Dirty hands , Jamie garden shop. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  14. GGG


    Love your space , ideal place man Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  15. GGG


    Whooohooo all 4's helmets went off the last 24hr's . When planted the medium was watered with recommended Root Juice dosage , then only 6ml plain rainwater ( pipette) yesterday. Will take of domes in a day or 4 . Catching up slowly. With and without there domes. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  16. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  17. Hi Burrito , what medium are you using to grow in that you want to feed . In general you can only use the Boibizz bites , we have some experts on that Nutrient brand and I'm sure they will give advise soon. What are you growing , show us what you got [emoji3577] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  18. So atleast they know what they got themselves into then [emoji6] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  19. They look lekker man , amped to see how they turn out Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  20. Welcome , send us some pics of your light and plants Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  21. GGG


    Great opportunity to grow same strain alongside other passionate growers [emoji91][emoji2936][emoji91] Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  22. GGG


    Decided to try this medium during the seedling stage in a 1L yoghurt tub and DIY domes. Sprinkled a little fungi powder , 1 cm hole and covered again. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  23. GGG


    Little late but here we go , put seeds in water in clone area 23 hr's ago Temps roughly at 24 degrees 24/7, might dip to 21 degrees for 2hr's when lights go of . I see a taproot root popping, can you spot it ? Will update later how and in what medium il start it of with. I do have extra Tortoni seeds that's why there are 4 . Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  24. GGG

    Soil Grow

    Next update , I see my camera doesn't take nice pics , not sure what up with this new phone . But it's Al I have now [emoji94] Should flip early next week. Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
  25. If I remember correctly they do yes Sent from my Hisense Infinity H50 using Tapatalk
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