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  1. Hi Evan I am currently doing the courses on https://growersnetwork.org/university/ I have looked at Cheeba as well as Thecannabisinstitute.co.za courses, Cheeba only starts their next round of courses next Feb, so will continue doing the ones I am doing, and then move onto the Cannabis institute ones as they are mostly on line. Hon, I have grown and harvested before. I want a job in the industry, somewhere that I can settle in for a while and learn from the ground up... Books and courses are all fair and well, but it is all theoretical, and I learn best hands on, immersed in the activities. I am 50, beyond tired of my current work/lifestyle, and am taking a leap of faith into the great unknown, I am pivoting, and it is a huge change for me, but one that I am embracing. I have met plenty of people in the industry, and what I have learned is that most people in this industry like to keep their cards very close, they do not share information very easily and despite the progress of Cannabis, it all remains very hush hush where information regarding employment is concerned. Thank you for your feedback, it is genuinely appreciated!
  2. Hi everyone I am new to this site/forum I am by no means a stranger to Cannabis and all its benefits, and limitless potential. I have been a massage therapist specializing in Cannabis oil massages for 16 years now, but am looking to diversify my career, as in a total change! I am here to learn as much as possible about Cannabis and to acquire as much information as I can concerning growing and the industry itself. i am currently studying a variety of topics through various courses to upgrade my knowledge. If anyone has any tips about how to find gainful employment in the growing sector, i would like to start at entry level as a trimmer ( I have an odd passion for trimming) My resume is here on google drive https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKlSUEg_oA80AQCln4Ty-WmPRgi60VNX/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=105255908223658166502&rtpof=true&sd=true I would greatly appreciate any relevant feedback! Have yourselves a fabulous day!
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