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greenkush last won the day on April 29 2022

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  1. Defoling here and there where I see fit, switched to full bloom nute strength and on with red spectrum.
  2. Stretch looks complete for the most part, added third layer net in the event they decide to flop over due to weight. Budding sites seem to be in full force so might switch to full bloom sooner than expected.
  3. Closing in on two weeks post flip, think the stretch is done for the most part. Seeing budding sites starting to form, will feed the preflowering GHE feed until end of next week, then switch to full strength bloom.
  4. Did a big ass defol yesterday and added the second net layer, only will be week 1 on Monday so still got some stretch to go. But made the fatal mistake last time of defoling too late and it caused too much energy to be focused else where.
  5. First week of flip and stretch is not so bad so far (hopefully it stays this pace). Currently have blue spectrum on and lights pretty close to the canopy to try to alleviate as much stretch as possible (genetics aside). Will be placing over net this weekend for support, do some defoliation and start building the watering system for the netbows.
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