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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. That light is rather shitty unfortunately, its a classic alibaba import. Also I'd advise against growopz, their prices are not competitive and you can build something powerful for the same price or just under.
  2. You literally need a quarter of all the stuff you ordered lol...
  3. They would have most likely got off easily, but the guns make it problematic, unless they're registered.
  4. Yeah, about 8 years ago when I grew there was no such thing as fabric pots (at least to my knowledge at the time) and I grew stems as thick as my wrist. I mean fabric pots provide nice aeration for the roots. I have some seedlings and clones going will do those in plastic and see the outcome vs my current grow in fabric.
  5. To be honest I find that the plant needs more support in fabric pots, its as if the main stem does not have enough grounding. Never had that issue with plastic.
  6. My roots are usually slightly denser, but not by much, I honestly thick this fabic pot thing was a scam lol.
  7. That is exactly what I do and honestly there is no difference for me, yes there is a lot of roots, but it is not one massive root ball.
  8. I tend to agree, I grow in fabric pots and each time I chop the root zone looks pretty lackluster. I might be converting back to plastic pots again.
  9. Run your lights at night, off during the day. That is how I combat the temps, I also only grow with LED. I just increase the intensity for heat.
  10. I've met him in person, trust me his entire physical appearance fits his attitude. He reminds me as one of those drunkards that you'd run into at luisto land.
  11. did that twat Zane ever bother to reply to you?
  12. greenkush


    Did not go to last years one have no intention this year. It's really pointless for me.
  13. greenkush


    Very vague. what expo?
  14. Easiest way would be to check the load on the breaker with your kit off otherwise if you're uncomfortable doing that, start looking up hit till the breaker trips lol.
  15. I've had nothing but good service from them. I avoid growguru like the plague though.
  16. cracks me up everytime I read dagga lab. Such idiotic journalists lol. By that logic I'm running a chilli lab as well.
  17. Trailblazer did mention that to ensure that its the only appliances on the circuit.
  18. Don't bother getting insects from third parties get directly from the source. Refer to my original post.
  19. Yes pretty much, just make sure your plugs and extension cord/multi adapter is rated at a high amperage.
  20. Well you could try a systemic pesticide, but it would need to be done very early in the grow. Complete 350 SC is pretty powerful, but yeeah I'd rathe rjust deal witth the gnats to be honest.
  21. Yep I was off a few ma, but yes you don't wanna surge max wattage through it. Most aircons burst to a high wattage then drop down and stay stable.
  22. I have two wall plugs that I split my gear across. I have an extra plug in the roof where a garage motor would go if i need a third plug
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