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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. I still need to follow up with the guy and actually order a bunch, they're not that expensive at all just getting them is a pain due to no online store.
  2. 20 X PKBR into BioLeaf. I plan to aggressively top the plants to prevent them from getting as tall as the previous grow, lost a fair amount of yield due to height even with running the blue spectrum. May need to run it longer into the initial stretch. As per the title will be testing out canna coco nutrients. They're currently under 2 x 720 watt fixtures dimmed down to 20% with a mix of blue diodes to stretch prevention. A few of the clones are a bit taller which will just be kept short until the rest catch up. I plan to use 2-3 nets for structural support this round as well.
  3. I should add that I saw zero benefit from Cibusil and Anngrow. So I won't be bothering with those anymore.
  4. I had relatively decent yield from my pheno. So luck of the draw. I’ll be dropping pancake stomper, decent yielder but my next run is going to be platinum Kush breath remix.
  5. Yield was good off 20 plants will only know dry weight once dried and trimmed.
  6. All good, discuss away. I’ve seen that stuff a few times, might try it on the next run. The cibusil I’ve seen make a difference, branches are much sturdier and such.
  7. I never grow outdoors so yeah can’t help you there, but maybe PM resistant strains and Sulphur spray.
  8. Girls are done with stretch hopefully and drinking like crazy. On to full strength flowering GHE now. Added final addition of Anngrow as well, not really convinced it does anything but yeah.
  9. Been growing for close to 20 years on and off. First time I mold and PM was last year.
  10. I don't suffer from PM think I've had it once in my entire grow and that was because it was introduced from a clone, I nuke everything with Sulphur spray.
  11. Did a defol again last night and budding in full force, will most likely do another foliage cleanup tonight prior to lights out.
  12. Did a shave, then a few more trims on Monday and yesterday. Will do another bit of a defol and clean up once I see bud sites form. But for now I'm going to let it do it's thing. Gave a feeding of Anngrow and preflowering phase GHE nutrients, still in the blue spectrum and will change to red once these girls stop stretching. On a side note I am yet to see shemales from the pancake stompers yet.
  13. Yep going to trim the stragglers below tomorrow and a bit of a leaf defol as well.
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