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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. https://ryocoffee.co.za/collections/all/unbleached-filter
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Positive-Unbleached-Filters-Biodegradable/dp/B00Q255R2I?psc=1&SubscriptionId=AKIAJ7AVFUMOQR7SVC3A&tag=roastycoffee-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B00Q255R2I
  3. Not much to show but some nice crystals forming.
  4. greenkush

    Help Identify

    It looks like the exact early stages symptoms i started suffering with.
  5. greenkush

    Help Identify

    The plant on the left looks like its suffer from calcium/mg deficiency.
  6. RS are notorious for over charging, just get your components that you can from digikey. https://www.digikey.com/catalog/en/partgroup/vero-29-array-series/43475 , https://www.digikey.com/catalog/en/partgroup/clu048/60053 , https://www.digikey.com/en/product-highlight/l/luminus-devices/generation-3-led-cob
  7. Yep, the only thing they really have going for them is that their shipping is fast. But you need products first
  8. Only matter of time companies start using gene editing like Crispr /cas9 to push the boundaries of THC production, a.k.a Monsanto.
  9. Start of white fly perhaps or springtails
  10. That's fine, but doing it every week is excessive. If you are not seeing any symptoms and you're feeding regularly (biogrow) you should be fine.
  11. There is no need to feed epsom salt feed every week.
  12. ethos are nice, i'll be picking up a few packs next week.
  13. Even Pachama's seeds are white label seeds.
  14. There is zero need to use GSR when so many reliable banks are popping up.
  15. The video they stated the products were registered earlier this year, but anyways hopefully they land in the new year.
  16. They were have meant to launch early in November already, not sure what the delay is.
  17. Big Shout out to @CannaSmith my order arrived today.
  18. Had to toss one of the reg seeds (blue kush berry) as it hermied: Top: Below:
  19. In all honesty if no cannabis, cbd, seeds are exhibited what actually is left?
  20. It would be nice if they released a list of people who would be there and what products may be available.
  21. Ingredients: Coco Coir, Worm Castings, Compost, Perlite (10%), Vermiculite, Volcanic Rock Dust, Bone Meal, Gypsum, Fermented probiotic bran, Organic nutrients
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