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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. Maybe in a week or two. I'm going to prep some solution this weekend to force the fems to produce balls.
  2. Yeah good luck getting a response from them.
  3. I got my electric bill this month, with only 600 watts worth of my panels running and 320 watts for a week. My electric bill barely jumped.
  4. Nope, I don't own one, but a friend has a few running in a big room. I am more interested in the LED technology, my next light is going to be the fluence spyder 2i (https://fluence.science/technology/spydr/). I'm not disputing Gavitas at all, its just so frustrating see people lambaste other technology.
  5. A gavita running in that size tent will introduce major heat problems, purely due to the height of it. Gavitas were not designed to run inside of tents, warehouses, heigh roof rooms sure. Not inside a 2m height tent. Also considering the fact that the gavita has so much head room required. Are you running a gavita in a tent?
  6. If you go for two HPS /MH it all depends on the wattage and hours that you run. So you'll need to calculate based on your kw/h rate.
  7. Nothing wrong with that setup, but you're going to need an AC, it going to get pretty toasty.
  8. I won't use them, they very sketchy with their lineage.
  9. If the guy is growing for personal use there is no need to spend close to 10K on a light alone.
  10. 4000 diodes board array. (old pic when it was still being setup)
  11. Stay away from mars, total garbage. Go to amazon and import a quantum board. (https://www.amazon.com/Horticulture-Lighting-Group-Quantum-Boards/dp/B078P4K8J9/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1541148099&sr=8-2&keywords=quantum+board&dpID=41K3e7p4M2L&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch)
  12. Yep I am using cannasmith for a few orders. Will report back here once they're in hand, so far the process has been smooth.
  13. https://www.420sa.co.za/index.php?/topic/1478-blue-berry-amp-medi-bomb-1/
  14. You'll see a big drop, I'm running 1500 watts of LED in my tent and at night it stays stable at 28.c, I also pull in air with two AC Inifinity 351 CFM fans, one for extraction the heat out through a filter the other directly from the window. My air exchange is constant and pretty fast, coupled with a mist maker running during the light on period to compensate for the loss of humidity the mist cools the room even more and maintains my humidity at around 50% (yes i know 60% is ideal for veg, but my plants dont seem to mind this).
  15. You're drawing hot air into your tent from the ceiling there is your problem. My setup is exactly like yours except i pull air direct from the outside via a window. My neighbors see it, I don't give a shit either, they don't know what im growing.
  16. I only buy from local banks that give seeds in sealed breeder packs. Trophy seeds does customer orders as @Dr. Green states, however by little longer its like 9 days.
  17. Agreed, a carbon filter is a very expensive method just to get rid of some hairs and dust when a 20-50R alternative will do fine.
  18. I see its only shipping to the USA. I normally use a forwarding address for things like that. But in any event a stocking will work just as well
  19. What are you trying to remove from the incoming air?
  20. https://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-Shield-Intake-Exhaust-Screen/dp/B0057JE5VE/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1540889300&sr=8-15&keywords=ducting+mesh
  21. I have a stocking at the end of my duct which stops debris, insects and such getting into my fan. I don't see the point of adding another carbon filter to the incoming. My internal carbon filter is https://www.futurama.co.za/carbon-filter-150x500mm-6-x20-50mm-carbon-bed/, my tent is under constant negative pressure so you cannot smell a thing at all. Even if im standing right next to it I can't smell anything.
  22. You really don't need a carbon filter to filter the incoming air, unless you live in a super polluted area.
  23. Original breeder pack with soft padded envelope.
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