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Everything posted by greenkush

  1. https://streamable.com/x13ppy
  2. I’ll be using GHE Tripart.
  3. Yep I’ll be dropping 50mm sphere airstones into each. I’ll be doing some new clones tomorrow so when they all rooted they’ll go in. Thinking of either pancake stompers, sugarcane or platinum punch… but will have to see.
  4. New changes to manifold and other leaks resolved. Will hopefully pressure and water test tomorrow (if our area has water again -fml).
  5. I realised I fucked up the manifold to the chiller so will need to redo that later this week.
  6. I havnt added a water level indicator yet, I don’t really need it due to the fact I’ll be using a digital auto top off. Those two blue sticking up are the outlet and return from where the chiller will go, there are three ball valves on the side (will take a pic tomorrow to show you). Basically the one opens the flow to the inlet to the chiller and then there is one on the main line to redirect the flow to the chiller and the return from the chiller goes through another ball valve into a T back into the pump.
  7. Decided to rebuild the control manifold and a few mods and this is the final product. Currently filling to test entire system for leaks, how I’ll drain it is another days problem.
  8. Buckets are 20L, the control bucket is the same size and my res will be merely acting as a top up to the control when it drops, standard ro water which is a 260L container that was going to be used as an automatic water change system on my reef tank. The top off system will be digital with a sensor that will do the topping of, due to no gravity from res to bucket I top it off like that. I’ll be building a control platform for it eventually with ec/ph monitoring and automatic ph dosing along with nutrients. Will also be adding the chiller most likely end of September.
  9. Been wanting to go rdwc for ages, never did but decided I was over coco and all the mess involved. So built my own due to the ridiculous cost of off the shelf systems. a few minor mods left to do tomorrow and I’ll be doing water tests.
  10. greenkush


    Yep, I remember punching our instructor in the gut as hard as I could and he just laughed. Went so hard landed up cracking a bone in my hand, after that I was like fuck this. Wanted to start wing chun last year but then covid hit.
  11. greenkush


    I did capoeira and ninjutsu for about 4 years in parallel, very different philosophies. The worst was standing in line for body conditioning and getting punched in the stomach to strengthen your core.
  12. Ive decided to go back to GHE, also that I’ll be running RDWC. In my last grow with coco and hortimix I found something was a bit off with the batch, after using it for close to a year I just found it far to much effort then it’s worth, having to use close to 220ML of A and B to get the required EC in 25 L of water. Will rather just carry the cost burden with GHE.
  13. As long as the EC is the same there should be no issue.
  14. Changing osmotic pressure is never a good thing, plants have to spend energy adapting to it. I never flush, ever.
  15. Spinosad, Sulphur that's my foliar sprays.
  16. Cool, thought it was one of those massive 6mx6m ones.
  17. You need to lower them, best spread is around 60cm from canopy. What dimensions is that tent?
  18. Been about almost four years since I got my quantum boards (561c diodes) and started falling behind the times. Decided it was time for an upgrade. Geek monster pro 7200 As far as alibaba lights go these things are amazing in quality. Flower No supplemental Veg Another view Contains reds, uv,ir and blue, inventronic drivers, Daisy chainable. Watt: 720 Price: 612 USD with shipping, I got two (1440watts) after customs both landed at around 25K.
  19. I heard of this bullshit strain going around, convinced it was already a known strain just re-labelled.
  20. Are you giving away yourself? It's been a long time since I've felt your manly embrace.
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