Hey there!
I've been searching the web for answers and have been approached by a fair few friends about CBD oil for my severe anxiety.
I'm currently taking a prescription for Urbanol and although it does work, it doesn't work well and I feel like I need more than the highest dose. This means I'd likely have to go onto the heavier older anti-anxiety meds that come with real bad side effects and I don't want to go down that road if its not necessary.
So, I thought I'd ask people on the forum what their experiences have been and what products they can recommend. Most websites I've gone to have their own products, so I'd like to get a an answer without any biases. The friends I've spoken to are also retailers, but it's all quite new to them.
Really hoping the CBD oil works out for me so I can get my life back on track...I've had to move back home from overseas and left behind a great job, all because of this POS anxiety that came out of nowhere.
Any help would be really appreciated! I'm based in Cape Town, northern suburbs