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  1. Keep the fight alive fam, the science has spoken; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987002/#:~:text=In
  2. Thank you Justin Hemp[/member] and Executaz[/member]
  3. I guess in time the government may offer a licence to sell like with alcohol. Any recommendations of a strain I can grow at home? I've been looking into Amnesia, Durban Poison and LA Confidential. The seeds are super expensive though
  4. Executaz[/member] thanks for the info bro, Do you know the name of the store by any chance?
  5. Hi all, While I have nothing to share right now, I am here to learn. I was surprised to learn of Hero Seeds, a place we can buy seeds from. I just want to find out some stuff; 1. Which are the best strains to grow indoors? 2. If places like Hero Seeds are allowed to operate, what's the possibility of opening a weed shop that sells both edibles and buds to the public? Will there be licensing? How does one go about it?
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