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Stinky Pete

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Stinky Pete last won the day on December 28 2022

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  1. Ahoy brother. Yes i have and i am super charged again to get down and dirty. I have made LAB and i use all organic material for years now but it seems like i have barely scratched the surface. Thanx for igniting the flame again
  2. I use mineral for indoor only because its fun and i like doing the calculations of ph etc. For me ,indoor is more "something" to do while outdoor is finished and also when DayZ get on my nerves i need something else to do... I have always and will always stick to organic when it comes to outdoor.
  3. Malmesbury is also hot. I work there now and then
  4. Sorted brother. There is 13 ladies standing strong. I started only beginning November, so they wont get super big Geez dude. Im looking at the forecast and Sunday is gonna be a scorcher I tried indoor a few times but with loadshedding the way it is I just cant do it
  5. Ahoy Im from the sunny Boland area. Got myself an outdoor patch and it has been giving me lovely ganja for a few seasons now. I grow organically and prefer that to Mineral feeding. That I'll use for when i do indoor runs
  6. Ahoy brothers I have a question about budworms . Last season i lost 3 huge ladies due budworms that infected them and i just couldnt save them..I have always used organic feeds and sprays and would like to keep it that way if possible What can I spray to prevent that again ??? Thank you
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