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Everything posted by SkunkPharm

  1. You don't need to worry about the.plants you get from Dagga Farmacy. They are generally healthy. You don't get a rooted clone you actually get a small plant. If you buy seeds just buy from Trophy seeds, african smoke shop or biltong and buds. Seeds are tricky though especially if you are new to growing. They don't always germinate and then you start blaming people. Other places in north that sell quality clones is either Golden-goose or African smoke head shop. They have actually hunted through a breeders pack of seeds and sell their keeper cut.
  2. Where are you based? There is some seeds going around.
  3. Howzit, Don't believe everything you see. People shop around for labs that give high thc test percentages. Also remember that labs have a error factor of 10%. DNA kosher kush is also one that tests high. I know Dagga Farmacy also had some of their plants test over 30%. There Grape Rock Candy tested at 27 or 29 percent and the Gelato 41 x Dinomeat tested 31% total canabanoids.
  4. Why would you need this? Do you still have load shedding?
  5. People are still fighting in the back ground. The Haze Club Case has a new court date. 19 November. We are waiting for regulations to be published on the cannabis for private purposes Bill. And every now.and then there is rumblings on the cannabis master plan.
  6. I’m no salts grower but with my limited experience it looks like nutrient lock out due to a pH issue. I would make sure you have sufficient run off then watering your plants .
  7. I add all that stuff to my worm bin. Then feed the castings during flower
  8. It should work but I don’t know how effective it really is. The breakdown of kelp and bonemeal takes a long time and would probably only be available to plants after they flowered. If you have cash try using greenhouse bio feeds at the beginning of your flowering cycle and see how it affects your grow. It is a mineral feed but I have gotten lazy. It really works. I see you get 50gram sachet these days.
  9. If I veg that long I normally transplant the plants from a smaller to a bigger bag, say 10l to 30l bag then there is nice fresh soil for the plant
  10. Wist are you top dressing with? Just compost? What compost?
  11. Check out Jamie’s Garden shop on instagram. He has a couple of profiles on insta documenting his grows.
  12. The lights cycle is not such a big issue. It’s more Fluctuation in humidity that causes the most issues. As long as your plants get their 12 hours sleep you should be fine. Keeping the humidity down during the load shedding period is the most important thing.
  13. You don’t need to add anything. You can get a really good grow whit that soil. Freedom Farms Antifragile and Orgasoilux is my go to brands. Just add water.
  14. Roid rage #4 and #7 gonna run them out side and will then flower them indoors when winter starts.
  15. I ended up having 5 males and 3 females. Flowered out the males and selected on for future use. I had issues with this grow, as I had a heat issue and my favorite plant hermied. 3 weeks into flower. I then seeded the plant that did not hermie with al of the males. First pic here is of the seeded female and the rest are just what they looked like just be fore the showed male flowers. The big one is the one that got seeded.
  16. Well all the factories and mines are closed for Christmas and New Year’s. Will see what the new year holds.
  17. I have gone solar. But these days you can buy a 5.12Kw battery and inverter for under 40k and you will be able to run every thing. Add solar panels and you are cruising. We produced 25kw yesterday.
  18. Hi man. Is the Deluxe Sugar Cane the one I gave you? Do you still have a mother?
  19. You should try expert seeds. My one friend recons it is as close as it gets to the real cheese. I have just germinated some SC x Gorilla Fumé Will see if there is something worth keeping in there
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