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Everything posted by SkunkPharm

  1. Looks like you have a stretch like a slurricane going there.
  2. Just water. I will give them some food on tomorrow. But I dont feel its necessary. The mutant has turned into the comp plant. It is covered in trichomes.
  3. SkunkPharm


    Ok so day 25 of flower. I am 8 days behind. Thank you.
  4. SkunkPharm


    How many days are you in flower? I missed your flip.
  5. It looks beautifull. I would have only given them a larger pot. Well played.
  6. I agree with you to a certain degree. But what counts in our favour is the Con Court ruling. And we are allowed to grow at home. I am sure there will still be licensing for commercial grows or craft grows, standards and so forth. But a legal market is what we want?
  7. What would this mean for South Africa?
  8. https://www-nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1273895?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16264138107827&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fpolitics%2Fcongress%2Fsenate-democrats-rolling-out-draft-bill-end-federal-marijuana-ban-n1273895
  9. The wire is normal building wire. I think it was R150 for 5kg.
  10. 2weeks now into flower. Its starting.
  11. SkunkPharm


    Nou kom hulle by.
  12. If you look at what is happening is the usa none of them grow auto's indoors. The only reason they grow autos is to get multiple harvests outside with out having to do light deprivation. If you want to waist money on electricity by all means grow them indoors. If not just run photo period plants at 12/12 indoors and you pretty much have an auto flowering plant. Auto flowering plants trigger flowering when they become root bound or when the roots hit the side of your container. I have seen massive auto's in 50l pots. My 2c's wait another month then plant your autos outdoors and harvest end on november.
  13. So its hard to take pics of the 3 plants seperately. But here they are. The mutant is the first pic. The the tall one then the normal growing one. The mutant and the normal growing one is the stinky plants the tall one not so much. I think its to be expected. The slurricane was a the tall plant not so smelly but seriously resinous. But we will see what happens later on.
  14. Yes I also take clones from my plants normally. But I have been very fortunate to have Totemic as a near by neighbour. I want to show case his work and will be growing from seed on my next couple of runs. Currently planted the Double Sunset and Strawberry sugar Cookies. The Strawpicana from oni seeds was amazing. See pic below. I will plant 2 or 3 seeds every month.
  15. I did quite a heavy defoliation on the plants this morning. Just to see if some of the lowers would like to peak through the net. Everything below the net will be cut at 3 weeks if they cannot see the light propperly. The light is still 75 to 80cm's above the canopy. Hoping for some more stretch in the next 10 days. I also removed all the wire bends on the brances as they really started squeezing the stems. Also started making the last tea for the ladies.
  16. What size is the tent?80x80? Or bigger?
  17. I don't think its over watering. My soil is a peat based soil and it retains 2-3 times more water than coco. I water every day atm.
  18. I personally feel it is the soil you are growing in. I have just planted seeds and have no issues with temps. The tent is not heated and the garage has no ceiling.
  19. Yes I made provision for a second net. I feel they might need support later on
  20. Ok. Day 7 of flower. For size com parison the screen is 1.2x0.8m. Its amazing what this genetics can do.
  21. I count from the day I switch the lights. I Normally flower for 70 days.
  22. My little one only pulls 165w. It heats a little bit. It pulls about 4l of water a day from the air.
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