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Everything posted by SkunkPharm

  1. 1l per 100l then dilute that mix even further
  2. Barley has a really high silica content. That is another reason I add it to the soil and make teas with it.
  3. Looks like hard work this. I just buy malted barley from the beer shop. Grind it up into basically flower, put it in a teabag and brew it for an hour. Sometimes I add some molasses and feed to my plants. Sprouting my own seed is time consuming thus the malted barley.
  4. What I have learnt over the last 6 months is that plants like to grow together. If you are doing these outdoors I would do 4 plants in a 40l pot. Do lst training on each plant in a different direction. It does not take much for them to be happy.
  5. This Plant is Beautiful. Cannot wait to flower it outdoors next year
  6. It is worth growing. If you smoke just a little you think ok it is low thc. But if you smoke just a little to much then it’s fucking tickets. Helicopters flying outside…..
  7. Aweh, seems like you should grow with what you have and invest your money in a back up system.
  8. These have just exploded in the last week. We had some decent weather. Top dressed with some bat guano and worm castings.
  9. A 110w led is plenty for a 60x60 tent. 240w is overkill .
  10. Depending on the pot size and strain. But I think you will need the head room.
  11. Just need to note. These 2 plants are the Gorilla Fumé. They could not be more different. One is tall with very little branching. Other is short with lots of branching. The tall one clones easily the short one I had some problems with, but managed to pull a cut through.
  12. I use Talborne. I have not used it by itself before. But I don’t see why you could not have good results. Autoflowers don’t need much to grow beautifully. Did you just add the granules or did you grind it up into a powder? I think you might need to do that if you need the nutrients immediately. I would also add a micronutrient tea or supplement just to get everything started. Something like Explogrow or Biodyne or dirty hands microbial consortium or Freedom Farms probiotic. You get the general picture anything will do. And maybe some molasses just to keep the microorganisms fed until the plant can support them.
  13. Have you grown the Strawberry Vostok? Or did you just use the male?
  14. One must remember that most nutrients available to plants come from bacteria and fungi in and no till organic system. Bacteria die and become food for the plants. Plants give sugar in the form of carbohydrates to the micro organisms to grow. That is why it is important to always have living roots in your soil. One does not know what came first micro organisms or plants, but you can definitely see that one cannot live without the other just look at the USA their farmers are suffering and they are forfeiting their farms to banks. Any way one cannot quantify plant available nutrients with a soil test. It is more important to have living soil. The most important indicator of a living soil is the amount of worms in the soil.
  15. I just grow in it again and again and again. I add some granular organic fertiliser (Talborne VitaGrow) for veg and then add some bat guano bone meal and talborne vita fruit for flower. I also top dress with worm castings. Wurmbosch castings. I don’t do no till at this stage but I am working towards it.
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