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Everything posted by Pvt_sToNeR

  1. May i ask why @Green Leaf Organics ? I have only seen good about it, so will be good to get a veterans opinion on the matter
  2. This plant makes the OCD happy
  3. Your leaf structure is so beautiful
  4. And today on 420sa, we talk Ethanol
  5. and so it begins Been going through so many finished grow diaries, Glad to have a front row seat to the start.
  6. I had to read that twice....... What a astonishing first grow @Duracell !!! Did you do your research before planting or did you just learn as you went on ?
  7. i just wanted to know what kind of smokers we have out there and its so interesting to here there is a wide variety of smokers on here be it @YourStonedBuddy that smokes 1 pipe a day all the way to @Green Leaf Organics that smokes upwards over 10g a day and all the guys in between. Also what i would like to know is the reason for the amount you smoke Personal the amount you enjoy, budget constraints Or sourcing is a Problem ?
  8. Probably had to add another couple of grams to that list for all you perpetual growers out there
  9. I understand weekends it can get out of control and some days are more rough than others but on average, what do you think is your intake on a normal day? Please feel free to give your elaborations.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Grower84 I'm not one of these pro growers you speak off but post some pics of what you have going and i'm sure the forum will be more than happy to get you on your feet.
  11. I was scared to do the quiz but then i said, the heck with it. How will i know what i still need to learn if i did not do it honestly. So i just did it to see what knowledge i don't have yet and now i've got little pointer i can go research and nail the next one. Clearly the same goes for this guy, he would have cheated to get a sick price and he wouldn't have had a clue what to do with it Thank you @420SA for making sure this awesome prize goes to someone who deserves it and will actually know how to use it.
  12. Would love to see the final cure of this beautiful grow
  13. @Batista Sorted http://www.freedomfarms.co.za/outlets/
  14. I might just be a complete child but that "shed some light" got me good @growopz Can you shed some light on lights ?
  15. I don't know if its more fun following a growing journal as its going along or finding a finished grow journal and going though it from the start Exquisite plants you have grown! Cant wait for this " Round 3 TKO "
  16. Welcome @Breadinator May your roots grow long and strong!
  17. What a long but interesting and of course a funny read! Thank you for that @Pat999 Waiting for the great return of Pat........
  18. Yea i saw on some post that you hate growing outdoors Best of luck on the new venture, i have not done a outdoor grow myself but from a friends grow ive seen all these threats to the plant and the ones that make it are always killers.
  19. @Batista What you working with ?
  20. @189_Vitaman D Show us your babies
  21. No doubt its not the power of an engine That cracked me up Very good point you bring up @Batista, but still think the restriction from a cone filter wont be so bad to burn out the Fan motor.
  22. No joke, that was going to be my second suggestion
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