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Batista last won the day on November 24 2018

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Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Hydro and Coco
  • Preferred Lighting
    Sunlight and HPS
  • Favourite Strains
    Northern Lights, Widow,Jack Herer,anything with diesel.
  • Grow Room Setup
    None atm.
  • Preferred Nutrients
    Whatever is cheap and works.
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Joints, bongs, pipes.

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  1. Interesting debate. I personally don't flush now, but I used to when I first started growing because that's what every site says. My experience with flushing is that you essentially telling the plant to finish regardless of what stage it's at. This all depends on your setup also, so my issue is that I had exposed plants growing outside, and I learnt from previous years budrot and mielie worm f ups you want your plants to finish before the heavy rains and those caterpillars, but anyways back to the subject. My new no flush made more sense once I started dialing everything in and using synthetic nutes. I now feed up to 1500 ppm or slightly more/ less if the plant can handle it, and then do slight taper down to 800 ppm when I harvest. I use this method for plants in dwc and in coco and found my yield to be better and plants to have more flavor when I keep feeding but slightly taper until harvest. A large part also depends on the plant genetics, so you need to find something that is adjustable for your gene pool and growing method I guess. The reason for the taper is that you don't want to starve or limit the plant in any way, without taper you get darkish emerald green leaves at harvest which is surely going to lead to a harsher smoke. As for the cure, I just dry over 5-7 days and throw it into those black sealable curing bags that self burp. My weed is delicious, burns pure white ash and I have taken samples off a plant before a traditional flush and samples from the same plant afterwards, dried them the same, cured them in 2 separate bags and I couldn't tell the difference, so that is my experience. No flush seems like a recent thing and I have embraced it,hell, if I can cut out 3 more steps from growing my own cannabis than I will do it, getting old now! Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  2. How many days are you keeping the dome on for? [emoji848] Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  3. What is the mom plant growing in medium wise? Are you only watering with plain water? I would swop out the jiffys for rinsed and buffed coco. Mix up a batch of 0.4 ec nutrient solution and use some cloning gel on those clones too if you are not already doing so. The jiffys hold too much moisture. You can also add 10% perlite to your coco, this ensures it won't over saturate. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  4. That bent stem is probably a snail. Use beer traps. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  5. If you want to make use of the current grow season to grow 6-8 trees and have some awesome dank, I suggest you get photoperiod clones and grow those out, while practicing germination with bagseeds so as not to worry about wasting cash, and also having a somewhat good harvest at the Apr/May 2022 mark. I would personally say it's too late to germinate seeds but I am talking about photoperiods and not autos going outside for the season. I don't really have experience with autos so can't really talk about them. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  6. Are you using a dome to keep covered? How are you maintaining the perfect moisture levels in those jiffys? I use a bucket with an airstone, holes in the lid, with neoprene collars. I mist once a day with 3g/l MKP spray, and use no dome or covering under an 18/6 Low light schedule. It takes longer yes but it's its a system that works for me. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  7. Watched it, not as great as the Moroccan or India one. Even in those older episodes the growers were actually growing GHS seeds and there were no landraces to be found, so even back then growers knew that growing landraces couldn't compare to the hybrids bred in labs/ basements. I miss Franco in the episodes, that guy was really passionate about cannabis, and I don't feel the new teams love for the plant. These are businessmen and it's pretty evident going by the amount of brands that GH seeds now has, (including GH medical at the end of credits) that they are pushing to get their brand out there and be number 1. End of the day, these episodes only serve to promote their existing seedbank and rightly so, it's a business, I just don't like how they sprinkle medical terms around. Are they focused on medical strains now or just here to cash in on our decriminalization? Any link to the debates going around? Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  8. Looking fantastic man. I had to cut my latest grow short because I flowered out my moms that got a bit too tall, and they all buckled down lol I also added silicone so wondering whether that made the stems more plyable. Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  9. Ah fek, and I just rolled a slurricane j, made my coffee, watered my plants hehe Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah, cannabis growers have alot of terms that relate specifically to weed, probably because they were stoned at the time lol I mean just look at the names of some of the strains 'Sea of green' is probably another term you won't find in general horticulture amongst others. [emoji16] Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  11. Can you explain how you defoliate and still manage full buds? I feel like my defol technique is stopping the bud from developing into a long uniform bud. Do you pull of leaves by the stem or just snip them off leaving a small part on the plant? Thanks Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  12. Week 5 update. It's growing lol I think the late defoliation hurt my harvest, there is a distinct period in week 3-4 whereby the plant pushes flowers out and I probably took too much leaves off in an attempt to control mold, which is under control for now,just [emoji15] Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  13. Shot, so something like this - Im guessing only in veg stage? https://www.greenhouston.co.za/products/kumulus-wg-fungicide
  14. Awesome, I also see you applied sulphur on the 24th Oct. Was this a spray or was it a burner or some kind? Sent from my SM-A715F using Tapatalk
  15. Cool,but on the flipside there are some plants that are super resistant - Im always having issues, will have to invest in new extraction and circulation fans - plus im close to the sea, wonder if that also contributes. Anyways I have finally found a strain that doesnt get mold,so I will prob just run that inside until I can find another strain.Strain is Critical mass cheese, but I noticed that cheese in general doesnt get mold even when my other plants show. I have 3 x 1.2m mom plants in a 80cm tent, the cheese refuses to grow mold and the other 2 have spots of mold.
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