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  1. Hey man i know this was a while back, did you manage to get your light?
  2. The guy in the picture is actually an overseas grower I think allister is using his pics...I saw other okes expose him on Facebook ...dude in the pic is Rasta Ronnie
  3. @Naughty.Psychonaut Hey bro I'm also keen on growing oysters, I would just like to find out if you punch holes in your bags when waiting for them to colonise?
  4. Cool, I have the same 75w lights from growopz but I bought mine 2 years ago and the driverS put out some heat so I was thinking of mounting them outside, I think you have the revised version of the 75w I'm sure the drivers are also upgraded. Thanks Bro
  5. @Tee_Aitch_Seehey man i noticed that you dont have your drivers mounted on your light frame, do you mount then out of your tent? Does it reduce a lot of heat?
  6. Started smoking around the age 16 ,we were a bunch of friends that just wanted to experiment, we started with taxi rank weed , here in durban anything green was called dp after awhile we got to know about Swazi weed. Eventually as time went on I learnt about a higher quality weed which was grown indoors called 'skunk' back then in was R60 a gram but you had to buy a R300 banki to make it worthwhile for the dealer to come through, 300 bucks was a lot of money at the time so all the buddies use to put together money to buy skunk on the weekends. Now I grow my own because I seriously cant be paying 150 a g .weed also helps with my anxiety(excessive coke use in the past) and I love growing and blazing.
  7. I'v had great success just letting them float in a glass off water for 2 to 3 days...tap root usually pops on the third day...just let them float dont tap them down.
  8. @CreX@Gloriosa superba I dont really have a lab environment but I do have experience working with mycelium on agar in an SAB,I have most of the tools needed for home mycology, It seems pretty much the same process to follow. I just wanted to experiment a little. You guys are probably right though better try my hand at cloning, less complications.
  9. Hi guys i'v been reading up on plant tissue culture, it seems really interesting , I hope there are some members here that can help me out. Im looking for a recipe to prepare the nutrient culture solution that's dialled in for cannabis as there is not much detailed information on the internet. Please help.
  10. Pandy

    Bad Mix?

    I've been using fish mix with kelpak and I have no issues but I only start feeding once the seedling are like 2 weeks old Been feeding 1 ml fishmix and 15ml kelpak.then will increase as they grow
  11. Hey guys I know this is an old thread but just need to know if you use the Margaret Roberts mosquito insecticide as a soil drench or a spray for the top of the soil?
  12. I'm having the same issue.also autos few weeks away from harvest. I have one of those magneto emergency lights you talking about ,they really are handy during loadshedding. We've been getting power outages like 3 times a day and it's just hectic.I'm just worried when lights go out mould or p.m would settle in and ruin everything
  13. I have 2 of these in the 50w also looking for a nice heatsink. They say it can be used without a driver,still not to sure about this. Are you using a driver?
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