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  1. I didn't end up going with it due to delivery costs however I think I will go with CFL's bought locally
  2. So you don't think it's due to the seedlings being too sensitive to the heat today because it is quite a hot day?
  3. I've topped up the sand a little on the ones that toppled and added toothpicks for support. number 4 is the plant with the damaged stem so it'll likely die. Number 3,4 and 5 were the ones that toppled
  4. None of the roots were exposed and onl one of the stems seem damged
  5. Hey, I started my first grow(gonna be outdoor) of 5 seeds about two weeks ago and the seedlings broke surface about 10 days ago. Everything was looking good up until today. They sleep inside at night and at about 10am I moved them outside into the sun and when I got home at 15:00, 3 of the seedlings had toppled over. Was wondering if this could be caused from over watering or heat stress or whether the seedlings didn't get enough light early on and have just stretched too much. Using standard potting soil and seeds of an unkown strain and have been watering daily with small amounts of water by spraying it on the soil around the stem. The one stem looks quite damaged from toppling over but I used toothpicks to prop up the three of them and hopefully they recover. They are now back indoors in an area where they recieve sunlight(not huge amounts) *The two seedlings that didn't topple over are the shortest however they also have a slight paleness in a couple spots* Any suggestions as to what I should do?
  6. Yeah I know going for cheap LED's isnt the best idea but I don't want to invest so much money in a grow light when this is gonna just be a hobby with no cash return
  7. Still haven't decided where/what lights to purchase but I just stumbled across these on takealot: https://www.takealot.com/jb-luxx-100w-limited-edition-high-power-led-flood-light/PLID47074210?utm_source=rtbhouse&utm_medium=retargeting&utm_campaign=rtbhouse-retargeting Do you think If I used 2-3 of them I could grow 3 plants?
  8. Would be awesome if you did another grow diary as good as this one!
  9. Do quantum boards 100% need to have heatsinks?
  10. thats perfect for what I'm planning. Can the drivers for the qBoards be bought in south africa or do you reccomend doing it all international?
  11. So with those 4 quantum boards on that setup how many plants do you rate I could grow?
  12. I was going to go for a Also about the cheap chinese shit, I was planning on getting a viparspectra 300 watts but couldnt find one that shipped here
  13. So how do the quantum boards work with drivers and whats the wattage equivelent of 1 quantum borad?
  14. budget I'd like to try keep below 2k and yield not sure per a plant but I'd like to grow 2-3 plants effectively
  15. Hey guys~ I'm about to begin purchasing all the supplies for my first grow setup. I'm planning on using a 120x60x165 grow tent and making most of the setup quite simple. The only thing I'm struggling with are my lighting options. After doing lots of research I would like to go with LEDs and currently I'm gonna go for this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PH1MQV8/ref=twister_B07G1X9WDC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&coliid=I3NWA0TLWRM29M&colid=36XJU6JJ1Y5YB. Has anyone bought anything from Amazon? Also if anyone has suggestions for local lighting options that aren't LEDs I'm all for listening! edit: probs should have mentioned my budget. Trying to stay below 2k
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