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Hydrochronic last won the day on February 10 2019

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  1. Now I know what the meaning of “beating a dead horse” is all about.....its nada not going to happen
  2. Don’t get too hyped happened here no weed no smoke an was to small.....sucked
  3. Welcome. Just remember google is a friend
  4. Well than you have come to the right place........ Welcome
  5. Could you have damaged the roots? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Transplant shock....... They should bounce back. Here is some readingz https://www.sensigarden.com/transplanting-cannabis/
  7. @YourStonedBuddy Did you come right ? I found this @ HydroHerbAfrica they had different sizes Numbers and are about 1meter by 1meter but at a moerse price R2K ...... Do you know how many beans that can buy.
  8. Well as I said looking good. Very good ...... respect
  9. Thought we would have to wait for the weekend looking good can’t wait for the final setup pics
  10. Well then it sounds like it’s gana be a shit load of work for you this weekend can’t wait for the update pics and I’m gana get some of those backup lights as well. I’m thinking of getting a small inverter and deep battery as well to run air and water pumps as well.
  11. Pat, do you think that light is sufficient for load shedding ? Done some reading and can’t seem to find how big/bright the light must be.
  12. But hopefully before the Indoor grow off
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