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Everything posted by Stinger96

  1. Def not the problem with Ethos. We popped 15 of their beans the last few weeks and none had the problem we are having now with the singles from Trophy. The others were in breeder packs. These were in Trophy packaging so you have no idea what was put in there. But the wheel turns so no bad vibes. I just had to mention it..
  2. So the shock continues. Not only did 2 beans not pop the ones that did are sickly. This screwed up our germination rate. These Are such a bad representation of Ethos genetics.! Below some pics. Popped 5 of Tyrone's SSC's and al 5 germed in 3 days straight into FF Seed starter. R20 a bean. 2.5k down the drain. I must say that disappointment is running high. Below the SSC. Most of our genetics are Ethos and of the 20 popped the last few weeks these 5 from Trophy is a disgrace. On a more positive note. Below some Gorilla Glue #4, Mamosa, Velvet Underground,Boo Berry and Catalina Wine Mixer. Mamosa GG#4 Boo Berry CWM Velvet Undergrounnd (Monster)
  3. Ok good. Sad loss those, Ethos beans are not cheap. will not make use of them again. Spent allot of money with them of late. just can not afford it to happen again
  4. 5x 1000 Lux Lights available as a package deal.
  5. Good day guys. I ordered 5bns from Trophy seeds 3 popped 2 did not. Popped Ethos beans in breeder packs no problem but the singles from Trophy is now the first problem I have encountered. Any replacement policy from them? Anybody know?
  6. Looking good there man. Hope the wind don't blow that hay all over yoir yard..
  7. Welcome.. You are definitely in the rigjt spot.. What in your opinion is SA lacking..?
  8. Well, I only have good things to say. The Double Sunset and Grape Gorilla is awesome.. The CG is now bottled and this thread is now done. She came out awesomely.. To be honest, I'll only grow from Totemic's stable in future..
  9. The Chockolate Gelato Fem came down today.. What a awesome yielder. I'm really happy with the results keeping in mind that she was in a 5L pot and only got fed the Super Frass, Sea Weed and Microbes.. I love this Pheno.. Nice one @Totemic
  10. I just can not stand the taste though.. It was all I knew for a long time and even got parros when I bought them.. Those were the days.. Die "omkyk twak" dae.. But once I tried pure hemp.. Never again.. The mid size OCB is also cool..But then again.. Grand Pa papers came in handy in lock down..
  11. You will not make a mistake with freedom farms. I found mixing Diotomatious earth for Phungus Knats and some Super Frass for the basic nutrient need is all you'll need. They do well with nothing at all I have found but they need that bit extra when in flower. Keep it simple with the first run and first focus on getting your environment 100%. I found that soil is the least of your worries with a first indoor grow. Enjoy and good luck..
  12. Welcome.. Enjoy and share..
  13. Welcome and enjoy.. You are in the correct setting to up your game for sure..
  14. Looking good there bud. Well done so far..
  15. So I made the choice to harvest today. The Grape Gorilla and Double Sunsets came down.. Bit quick after the watering but so be it. Noticed some sugar leaves showing signs of But Rot and I am happy with the tricomes.. Did not want to learn one more lesson for now... This grow cinfirmed for me that 5L pots, FF soil mixed with Super Frass will from now on be my Indoor routine. This is for me.. The Tortoni need not stand back for anny of the "premium" bud I have had the pleasure of sampling so I am confident that these will be perfect for me.. The buds are dence and a perfect size, again, to my liking and not necessarily on standard for expert growers.. As I'm growing to support my own medication needs, bud appeal do not really bother me.. I did a two bucket wash with a tap rinse.. The Grape Gorilla was not washed as I did not want to screw with the possibility of loosing any seeds. The smell is almos Papaya like and not something I've come accross before.. I really like it and I am glad I have her seeded. Hopefully that trait carries through. Major frost on her sugar leaves and even on some fan leaves. All were pretty much a pleasure to trim. Double Sunset.. Grape Gorilla.. The Chockolate Gelato Fem I will leave for another week as mentioned.. I like this pheno with all her little fox tails..
  16. Ok so these ltle flying pests just got a major setback.. Gave the plants a neem soak from the bottom and worked some DE over the top. They'll get chopped in the next few days so no more watering.. Except for the Chockolate gelato fem. She's making small foxtails all over and I need to see how far she'll go.. Mellow Saterday to all..
  17. Diotomatious earth I find worked. But got that cat piss in there and I think that soil migjt not be mixed well enough. Will do a neem drench and add some DE.. Just glad it is not Thrips.. Nearly myself..
  18. So my next lesson is on hand.. Bloody thrips got my adress.. The two Prayingmantis's are bussy but I fear they are not enough. Switched of my ventilation and they rize to the top.. That's how I noticed them and by chance on a foto.. So I assume a harsh lesson it would be.. Anny help here maybe.? Zoom in on this and see the bugger stuck on some tricomes..
  19. The Chockolate Gelato Fem is packing on weight big time.. The Double Sunsets.. Grape gorilla..
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