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Everything posted by Stinger96

  1. Well the irony of it all is it's legal for personal users to grow and smoke but as far as I have read it is still illegal to sell plants and seeds... how the f does that make sense.. Would love to hear the inputs on this..
  2. I volunteered in the Cannabis College in Amsterdam for a few months and this might seem extreme but the grower used a vacume cleaner to remove as much spider mites as he could. Still remember him covering the bud with the pipe. I neerly shat myself but that is how they did it.
  3. Yeah guys.. putting the standard right up there.. Awesome comp. Glad you guys cept this one..
  4. So the laaiti... not a laaiti he is 21 but a laaiti in my eyes.. is as proud as a dad can be.. he's girls started flowering..
  5. Grow a bush on the balcony.. You allowed to... except if your land lord has a issue.. ontherwize grow away.. your own always puffs best..
  6. What if it smells.... It's legal yo...
  7. Morning buds and budets.... So with the strong winds we where having and still have and living close to the beach I have come to the conclusion that the problem is wind burn.. This is what a few days of strong winds did to the girls..
  8. Check your local petshop. They have them in stock.
  9. https://terpenesandtesting.com/category/science/terpenes-entourage-effect
  10. Awesome plants bud. What strain you got going there.. Looks lekke..
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.popsugar.com/love/Best-Weed-Your-Zodiac-Sign-44115072/amp
  12. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/ywxekx/taurus-relationship-to-weed-zodiac-sign&ved=2ahUKEwi7gc-hhZPnAhV1SxUIHf6_AioQFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1xmISl0oWrszPb7iYtWL9S&ampcf=1
  13. Some updated pics.. Going strong..
  14. Poll open again. Got a setting wrong..
  15. Lets see what Starsign loves da Herb more..
  16. I must say.. me neither.. I definitely upped my consumption.
  17. Aah man... I feel your pain. I lost 5 last season. It was only bag seed but after putting in all the effort just to have them stolen sucks balls..
  18. I would say trade for extraction.. Cheaper and you can deside which you prefer before investing in youre own.
  19. Don't fix the light to the top. Suspend it so you kan lower and lift it up then you can move it up as the plant grows. You should be able to grow two nice plants in there if you train it correctly..
  20. Confused... How does the terpene profile do this.?
  21. Very innovative. I like the idea.. Indoor guys might be worried about light leak.. I do not have a clue about indoor but I like the idea. Might want to use the bottom part though in the future. Good job man..
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