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Q9550 last won the day on March 5 2019

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About Q9550

  • Birthday September 15

Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    Northern Lights, Auto Kabul, Bubba Kush, Blueberry Glue
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  • Preferred Lighting
  • Favourite Strains
    Northern Lights
  • Grow Room Setup
    Mammoth Grow Tent
  • Preferred Nutrients
    Umya Range
  • Indoor or Outdoor
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  1. Sup Bro, You can try getting a copy of the app from here: https://apkpure.com/gro-tron/com.tuner168.ble_light_plant/download Try it out on an older phone first incase there is any malware or viruses attached to it.
  2. Sup bro, I know the reply is way overdue lol but yes I did receive the light. It was shipped to me quite quickly. I didn't get to use it much as i stopped growing for a while due to personal circumstances. Trying to get back into it slowly now again
  3. Howsit all, Just wanted to say a big thank you to all who responded and provided some very valuable information I ended up going with a KingBrite J series 240w LM301H with UV+IR (https://tinyurl.com/j240wUVIR), yeah I know it was not even part of the options above lol Managed to pick it up for USD185 incl shipping, which worked out to about R2600 when I placed the order. I just felt with the Meijiu boards there was not enough 660nm and UV+IR diodes. The KingBrite has 136pcs 660nm, 8pcs UR and 8pcs IR Will post back when the light arrives in October.
  4. Thanks bro, this got me doing a bit more research last night on 660nm + 730nm From what I gather the 660nm helps boost red for flowering and the 730nm helps wake up or put the plants to sleep faster. 730nm should be used 10/15mins before and after the mains lights switch for the sleep/wake up effect. If 660nm + 730nm is used together then this help with photosynthesis and also reduces flowering times. Please correct me if I am wrong, there is a ton of info out there with so many varying opinions. My issue now is that I cannot get the boards with only 660nm + 730nm If I want the 730nm diodes I will have to go with the original board I posted. This has reduced 660nm diodes: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Meijiu-Qb288-Lm301B-288-Board-240W_1600273410022.html?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.117c3e5fUPT0w8 VS https://meijiu.en.alibaba.com/product/1600204627439-900283355/Meijiu_Daisy_Chain_Lm301b_Lm301h_Veg_Diy_qb288_qb_288_Board_240w_240_watt_Samsung_pcb_pcba_ir_5000k_sf2000_Meiju_Led_Grow_Light.html?spm=a2700.shop_plgr.41413.12.5a0f621dzVWDWr This is all still so very confusing, never had these issues with HPS LOL
  5. Bro! Thank you for this, exactly the kind of info I was looking for. I think they caught me with the marketing tactics lol I am happy to go with the normal boards + 660nm Would have been nice to have, but if its not going to make much difference then would rather get the extra 660nm pieces.
  6. Did you import from Alibaba or bought locally?
  7. Shot for the reply bro. Is the UV + IR required? I can always just do the simple board with added 66nm
  8. Hi All, Looking to get a new light for my recently purchased tent. I have a 2x4 Mars tent and currently running a ModuGrow 90w + 2x 30 ModuGrow diy boards. Looking to upgrade to a new QB from Meijiu and have been offered a light at a good price I think. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Meijiu-Qb288-Lm301B-288-Board-240W_1600273410022.html?spm=a2700.12243863.0.0.117c3e5fUPT0w8 Looking for any input or advice regarding this light, I can get it with shipping for $176 Any concerns or am I over thinking this? lol Kind Regards
  9. Howsit bro! I have used a mammoth tent in the past, a small one, quality is pretty decent but mine also had some light leaks on the zipper. If you properly line up the zipper strip in the inside(not sure if you know what i am referring too) then it solves the issue. Didn't really come with any extras either. I have recently bought a mars hydro tent, I see they have a new version available which is the one I got. I love this tent. Feels super solid and much better than the Mammoth. When I was looking I was deciding between, Mammoth, Mars and Secret Jardin and BudBox SJ was too expensive for me so I went with Mars over the mammoth as the Mars had extra height. I am so glad I went with the new spec Mars tent, I really love it. Came with 2 floor liners(Don't know if I just got lucky), a patch repair kit and a hangable pouch for inside the tent and some awesome stickers lol I also like that the mars has metal connectors vs the plastic ones that come with the mammoth. I have no advice on the budbox though, was also an option for me but could not get any solid recommendations so decided against taking a chance.
  10. Thanks for the write up man, very informative and helpful. I have been running these lights for quite some time now. He use to also sell the spares when he first got into the scene and I picked myself up 2 of the DIY boards and he threw in the heatsinks for free. I see now he no longer sells the DIY kit or drivers separately so I have purchased one of the 90w lights, I really don't have any complaints wrt these fixtures, they are well priced and pack a punch. The only issue I have is that they are a bit too wide to fit into a small tent properly, as you mentioned, but will be perfect for something like a 1,2m wide tent. I want to run 2 of these in a Mars Hydro 1.2m x 0.6m x 1.8m
  11. Yeah it was after trimming lol She had to get chopped a bit early, had to go to DBN and had no one to look after her, plus a bit of reveg started so was forced to chop. Still a great smoke and even better high IMO I just had a bong now lol I have one more seed left, planning to start it when I get a bigger tent.
  12. If you want to keep using mulch then I would recommend Hydroton aka clay pebbles, does help quite a bit to retain moisture and an added benefit is the top soil does not shift around when watering the plants. Try to get the smaller pebbles so they pack tighter together than the larger pebbles.
  13. @Freshlypicked I am using the Umya range, but I just have the 3 basic ones, Pot Radix, Pot Grow and Pot Flora. I use those in conjunction with EM Pro Soil and am really loving it. Super easy to use and at that price point I think I will be sticking with this range for a while. I still consider myself a noob when it comes to growing so I'm in no position to "recommend" the brand especially since I have nothing else to compare to, but I enjoy using it and it works for me. @Totemic Blueberry Glue - 10L Pot - FF Premium Soil - Umya Nutrients
  14. Agree with you on this one. I absolutely enjoyed the blueberry glue. I have my last seed and don't want to plant it out lol don't want to lose the strain as they not for sale anymore. Hopefully as totemic said they will be available again in Q2, so waiting patiently here lol
  15. What up peeps, Time for another update, Autos are doing well. There really is nothing to complain about with this grow. I'm actually finding it a bit boring if I was to be honest lol I prefer LST and topping and all those fun things, so for me popping a bean and just adding water takes away some of the fun of it. I have 3 unknown auto beans left and will start them in the new year. I will probably try to do some LST on those ones and see how that goes. Picture Time: Day 52 - 2020/12/03 UA1 @ 63cm tall: UA2 @ 32cm short:
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