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  1. https://www.quicket.co.za/events/216023-the-stoned-olympics-2023/?ref=events-list#/ Came across it today via www.capetownmagazine.com
  2. https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/23/05/32587594/infectious-pathogen-silently-spreads-to-over-90-of-californias-cannabis-farms-destroying-thc-pro A hop-latent viroid (HLVd), an infectious pathogen, is devastating cannabis farms in California by infiltrating plants and ruining entire crops just before they’re ready for harvest.
  3. https://www.news.com.au/national/crime/qld-police-seize-more-than-23m-in-cannabis-from-sommerset-property/news-story/8cdf7d04027a525ccbe9dee09859502c
  4. Just got tickets in stock notification woot! Product Cape Town Cannabis Cup 2023 Tickets - Judge Pass (#66145) has back in stock What's with the shipping
  5. Can shmaak the new chili peppers - return of the dream canteen. epic flea bass https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kLAfOEEj-Z_CPY9xPP-n55QhP41qlv7nY&feature=share
  6. I use a Dynavap and need a jet lighter. Problem is they last only a few months because no matter the price of the lighter, it will have a poo plastic piezo ignition that wears out. Can't get replacement piezo ignition easily. I just want one lighter that lasts forever instead of a box full of broken ones. What do you guys do? Should I just buy a Zippo with a jet flame or a brulee torch that hopefully doesn't have a crap ignition?
  7. So, Huff Puff Palace. Nice lady, good edibles, good bud.
  8. Lorna Shore death metils singles flying fast, should be an album soon. https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kCfnoU9wiOuphPFQ-Siyo0rJgu4l8Skng&feature=share
  9. https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/look-gauteng-police-bust-marijuana-dealer-with-pimped-out-lab-97ca5718-ac10-41b1-86af-9ac8f12c33f9
  10. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/first-cannabis-club-in-south-africa-at-the-high-court-2022-6
  11. I made a plan to visit Nature's Farmacy in Vredekloof, Durbanville side, yesterday. There happened to be a circus themed event with competition games, DJ, MC and some food stalls in the back yard. It was a good effort. The membership sign up was quick at the door. Invoices to email and card swipes. The bud selection was good. There were non-alcoholic beverages with RSO type drops flying around. It was well supported and all the seating was packed. Quite an enjoyable afternoon but the music was a little heavies.
  12. https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/suspect-arrested-in-table-view-after-police-find-cannabis-lab-in-his-house-a0e4a64b-d54a-4561-9b80-54a20a126629
  13. Just found out about a store in Strand by the fisherman shop, gonna go scout soon.
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