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Everything posted by Bos

  1. Bos

    Bay Seeds

    Placed an order with them in Jan2022, delivered mid Feb-2weeks. Took a bit longer than some of the other guys but still came through.
  2. My experience with BnB has been good, ordered clones and one just slowly started dying. Sent them a pic and they were gracious enough to replace it. Which was real solid from them. Will do business with them again.
  3. @Righteoussower Do yourself a favour and do a weekly taste test. Then you can experience how the bud cures, how the harseness disappears and the flavours become more prominent and smooth. Some strains are fine with a 30day cure while others need at least 90days.
  4. When a plants disappears....this is where they should go...
  5. My fellow florists, Tis the season to be trimming.... These Fruitpunch ladies brought the goods, is pure joy watching something you created come to full flower. The slight variations between the f2 and f5 gen are interesting, but not totally unexpected/undesirable. Most notably....very little budrot/wpm and very little loss due to this effing fusarium. Still couldnt get rid of it completely but at least we didnt lose whole plants like last year.
  6. Aweh fellow florists. Ladies are doing lekker, weighed down with their burdens. But we like it that way. Very happy with the results so far since moving to the growbed style of cultivation. Haven't fed any bottled nutes except to assist with any defs, of which we only had a slight Ca problem. They had a regular dose of AACT and some Comfrey/banana FPJ with molasses in flower. They reacted very positively to that so we started a Comfrey/banana/parsley FPJ, which I'll dose with some molasses before hand. Only other bag/bottle nutrient was some Protek guano pellets. Watering is also a much easier and lighter affair, compared to the pots and growbags. Fruitpunch f5 , f2. Lemon Fire-Tall lanky sativa flowering later. Cheers
  7. Can't see anything indicating female, must agree with@Totemic, looks more like males. Wait a week or so for them to show proper, then you'll know for sure.
  8. Bos

    This early PM?

    Pm can be quite selective, depending on many factors. No point having airflow but the plants are dense and bushy, they need to be thinned out/defoliated proactively. Don't water from the top if you can help it, especially during flower. Being pro active with your IPM also helps a lot. I know from previous experience what issues are most likely to occur in my grow, so I prepped for those. (Worms, spidermite, aphids, PM) Sometimes PM infects less resistant strains or weak individual plants. We've got outdoor plants next to each other, the Future 1 has no PM, but the Blueberry right next to it had those same PM spots. I had Coppersoap on hand and sorted that out quick as they wern't in flower yet. In flower I'd go 50% mix full cream milk and water or as was mentioned sulphur spray or pot.bicarb depending on your situation.
  9. Aweh fellow florists, The outdoor flowering window is upon us, our ladies are looking awesome. Whole plant pic followed by flower. 1/2/3/4/5/6/11/12.Fruitpunch f5 7/8. Fruitpunch f2 9/10. Lemon Fire f1 Very happy to be able to run multiple plants that were bred by my own hand. The internodal spacing on the f5's are much more compact than the f2's. Possibly a bit more Swazi sativa stretch vs the Mango Kush compactness going hand in hand with the balance between fruity mango sweetness and Swazi citrus tang. Very interesting for me to see the different traits coming through in the different generations. IPM will have to on point with the compact girls, don't want to pay any more taxes than we have to. Leaf discolouration due to hectic UV experienced in our area. Plants looking amazing in comparison to the lawn, which is still trying to recover. Topdressed with some EWC and more organic material, girls got a AACT watering and a Comfrey FPJ. Next round will be another AACT and a Comfrey/Parsley/Banana FPJ. Cheers
  10. Courierguy, but clones need to be properly secured and wrapped.
  11. It depends on the effect you require, it is quite subjective. We do all of them. Clear to cloudy for gaming and social-energetic effect. Cloudy for movies and chilling around the braai- relaxing effect. Cloudy/Amber for sore muscles and a good sleep- couchlock You can tailor the effect depending on what you require. You could harvest the plant in stages a week or two apart to get multiple effects from the same plant.
  12. The actual "grass" doesn't even want to grow properly in that spot... many feet have compacted the soil around the braai Kudo's to that lil' lady for soldiering on. Does she recieve any nutes at all? Or you going 'au-natural'?
  13. Couple of lekker big outdoor girls you have there, they look healthy and strong. They gonna reward you handsomely with some fris flowers.
  14. Aweh fellow florists, Removed the anti-cyclone netting so the Fruitpunch girls can breathe better, they are a bit bushy. Did a EWC topdress to give the girls a bit of a boost and watered the goodstuff in. Thinking I may need to do some more defoliatiin on the lower regions...
  15. Some solid flowers you got there. Good grow.
  16. Ladies are doing well, all healthy and strong. Was hoping they would'nt get too tall, have to leave space for preflower stretch. Think they going to touch 2.0m. Had a couple of rough days with the weather, even tried prepping for that flippen cyclone-hence the net. After the rains last week, the sunshine was a female dog- hectic UV that even bleached some leaves. IPM wise, they got a biogrow insecticide spray around the bottom and middle and a Margaret roberts for worms around the tops seeing as theyre allready in preflower. Last week, topdressed with some more organic material and capped off with dry straw/grass clippings and finally watered in some tricoderma(fusarium control) Yesterday they got a maintenance dose of calmag as some plants were just starting to show a cal def. Here's to happy flowers.
  17. Eishh... RH on the north coast is between 80-100%, especially with all the rain. Aircon can only reduce RH to 65%. Wet trim as always.
  18. Many moons ago...did the UK working holiday thing with my two brothers, we've always been best mates. Got introduced to hashish, had it every which way you could imagine, from straight joints to hot knives to japanese fontains and then this crazy aussie oke produces this frozen carved rock pipe from the deepfreeze. Later found out its called a chillum. Better be right with your stuff if you want puff on that thing. We traveled and worjed all over. Harvested hops in Canterbury, met up with some awesome ppl from canada, aus, poland and rsa, we were a lekker group. Did a lot of funky stuff together. Ever seen 8 peeps hotboxing a two man tent.... 20years later we still laugh at that one. Most brilliant time spent with awesome individuals. Remember parking on the hill in Edinburgh waiting for Elton John to open at the Edinburgh castle. We munched some bread with cheese and drank wine for dinner, after there was a friss cone going round before we went in. Music was beyond anything.... It was an epic, crazy ass time with some of my best memories.
  19. Must say we were quite critical on the strains that were prepared for our meander, for the exact reason you mentioned. Rather avoid the heavy indica's in this situation, sativa was our choice toke. Mr Dank's Vanilla Kush made for a very memorable experience.
  20. Walking/hiking in the Dlinza forest. The aerial boardwalk and lookout is something to experience. The trails have park benches every few 100m's for the unfit folk. We would just sit and enjoy the peace while having a puff. It was brilliant.
  21. The colours on the Beach Wedding....
  22. Chop him up and gooi him in the compost Then you can get your nutes back by feeding him to the replacement.
  23. You'd need to find out from the batt manufacturer what the specs are on safe discharge limits. 516w÷48v=10.75amps In a perfect world, hypothetically. 200amp/hr÷10.75amps=18.6hr There are losses in these systems so it will not work this perfectly. Resistance and heat loss in the batteries,inverter and cables hence the need for extra capacity. FYI.....With all due respect to ANY diy grower looking at this type of setup/idea.....Please dont mess with DC power unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing. Otherwise get a qualified installer. DC can and will kill you.
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