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Everything posted by CreX

  1. Stick a cutting in a bag with a bit of tap water and give it some time on the outskirts of your grow lights.
  2. So... The buds that are above the light... They develop fully and are nice and dense and happy? Having a light in the middle of your garden is called verticle lighting and is generally done with an open bulb without a reflector so that light goes in many directions... You have a light facing down... So only leaves and bud sites under the light will develop properly.
  3. Sjoe! Nothing really new to show. That spray I sprayed burnt the tips of everything and new growth has been slightly stunted. New growth on the other plants seem perfect so I'm sure these will be fine too.
  4. Only ever bought beans from smoking gun... Service was great and had virtually no waiting time. They are all I know right now, but I was happy with them... They have a huge range of strains too which is nice. Hit them up!
  5. CreX


    Welcome bro... Make yourself comfy... And don't forget to strap on... It's gonna be a glorious ride Strap in! Lol... It's too early for strap on
  6. Shame man... Poor ladies growing past the light Need to make a choice now... Either raise the lights to get that under lights too... Or chop chop chop so that the lower stuff can get light... Not sure how many grows you have, but this is something a scrog can help with, or more diligence in veg with training.
  7. Im using 2 dolphin 8500 pumps... That gets a good vortex going. The bottom of the water bottle is rediculously thicker than you would imagine... Nice new hacksaw blade is a must
  8. Temp and humidity are the most important factors here. Lower terms are always better... If you can keep your Temps down at around 20° that will help preserve the terp profile... This includes your growing Temps as high growing Temps can also burn off terps if you aren't careful. Humidity is also of paramount importance... Too high and you get moldy buds... Too low and your harvest dries out before it has time to break down the chlorophyll and other shit. From the moment you harvest and hang your plants... The humidity must not go above 65% and not lower than 50%. It is a tight gap and can be a mission to maintain... But if you can do that... Then those thin stems will be snapping in 5 days ish... If you keep your humidity on 65, you can expect an extra day or so to dry out. If you can have some subtly moving air or an intake fan... it will help keep the RH down... But too much moving air fresh air will dry out the buds very quick. After that, Mason jars and burping... I have a small RH meter that fits in the jars nicely and I can easily see if I need to burp or not burp... I burp when my RH in the jar hits anything over 65...and close the jar when RH is around 55... Rinse wash repeat until the bud is smokable... So like 2 or 3 weeks from harvest... It is highly advisable to not smoke the bud as soon as it can be smoked... Quality comes from a good few months curing
  9. Gonna need to have a 3 way test for that. A few plants that dont get innoculated, your control groups. A few plants that do get innoculated regularly and have salts used as nutes right away And a few plants that get innoculated frequently with the salt solution left to sit for a while. But honestly... You will have bigger problems if you don't let your water sit before you use it... If you are using fresh tap water, your question is irrelevant as the tap water will do way way more damage than the salts
  10. LOL then adjusting back and going too far again... Lol fun times... Iv learnt to pH my water before adding nutes to avoid unnecessary resdumps with fresh nutes.. Also... The salts in the water from the nutes and pH up and down can be softened if you let your nute solution stand for a day... I wouldn't recommend this with organic nutes... But if it's just the salts I would let it sit a day before adding or using... But if you have regular inoculations you shouldn't have an issue... Keep them up... If you stop the effects will be bad on the micro herd
  11. Well what do you know! Medium level project complete!! Built a functional vortex brewer with one pipe that makes an actual vortex! It was not hard to build... At all... But these things seem to go for a lot of freaken money!!! Check out my brewer yo's!! Aaah man! I can't add vids!! You guys only get to see screenshots lol!! The humic acid vortex is so sick to watch.. Here's to awesome teas and a healthier garden
  12. Mother fucker... That tent is standing to attention for you... Beautiful
  13. And new growth? Is it also splotchy yellow or fine?
  14. Sweet! I'm using as much sun as possible nowadays... Soon you could keep the plant outside all day but for now I take her outside for some sun and wind... And inside at night under the grow lights. Yea it's a bit of extra effort... But it does make a difference
  15. That plant looks like it would loooove some sunlight... Where is it currently and how much light does it get?
  16. So making a screen for your green shouldn't cost you an arm and a keg... There are cheaper ways of doing this, but I went with a wood frame for a bit of weight. You can get aluminum angle bar that is pretty cost effective too... But light. Also conduit can be used, but I would use it for smaller nets and more of a sub canopy support and not for canopy support as the plant will lift the net with growth and time if it is not heavy enough. I bought some 38mmx38mmx2m square pine wood from builders... Cost around R50 a length. Bought a packet of screws to put it together... Cost around R50 too Had a spindle of string at home so I was sorted there... But strings not costly either. Okay so I made 45° cuts on my lengths of wood, I made a custom size to fit my grow space exactly. And ended up with enough wood to make a 2nd decent sized screen ... I measured my square sizes and made marks on all the lengths of wood the same. Drilled all the holes for the strings. My square size is 75mm x 75mm I screwed the corners together using 3 screws on each corner. That made up the frame. Then I strung it up making the string fairly taut. Check it out! So begins a new experience for my indoor grows
  17. Growth is slow because I don't have space for them closer to the light right now... But they are growing
  18. Prevention is better than cure you can't really over do it... And plants generally respond well. Foliar sprays are very under rated... You should have a regime you stick to almost every week. Mine is milk spray once a month, calmag once a month And my secret weapon humic acids and kelpak once a month... And just water once a month as a wash vibe
  19. Well... What did you used to grow? Soil or hydro? And do you have 2 grow areas or just one?
  20. You have defs came to the right place... Make yourself at home Make friends and clones will pop out your ears
  21. Pratley is a bit far for me to save a R50 note.. But it's the same shit... Growlite is a product of pratley perlite And size looks okay? I spoke with the lady there, and these guys are the hortishop suppliers... Some of the big boys... And they aren't too happy that SA Horticulture has gone public.. I could say a few names... But all you need to know is that this is the place they come to for stock. Much love guys!
  22. That looks to me like you may have been a touch rough with the new growth at some point... New growth is so soft, and if you move too fast around it it can damage the soft new growth and then when it grows it looks like that. Otherwise it's a worm chowing fresh growth, but because it's limited and not progressing, I would say my first guess. Happens to me often when trying to identify sex
  23. Yea dude... Iv also been finding a touch here and there... Have to keep up with the IPM and hopefully we will have eradicated pm just before next year's pm outbreak
  24. The laggies I had this morning over this Gonna be a good friday guys! Have a great one!
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