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Everything posted by CreX

  1. Ask away! 1) I let my water go for up to 3 weeks, many hydro growers will change their nutrients out every 2 weeks. But i find that nearing the 4 week mark the plants become noticeably unhappy. so for me, 3 weeks is good. 2)I do lots of checks on the plants, ie visual inspection of the plants, check air temp and RH, but DWC specific checks are PH and PPM. Ph can swing wildly in smaller buckets and needs to be checked daily! if the bucket is too small, you might need to check and adjust your Ph more than once per day. 3)all fully separated, each bucket has its own airstones and pumps. You could connect them to make a huuuge DWC, but maintenance will be a b****. Also my 3 buckets get different nute strengths depending on the phase the plant is in, which i wouldnt be able to do if the res were connected together 4)generally the ambient temp is enough to keep the DWC res in the 16-26 degree zone, so if your room temp control is up to scratch then you should be fine. I battle in winter with res temp and depending on where in SA you stay you might need to raise the water temp in winter. in summer its the opposite, so i run my lights at night and dark cycle during the day to keep my overall temps constant.
  2. So the humidity will only increase dramatically if you have a res lid that isnt adequately sealed. Now im not saying you need an air tight seal.. but if you have 10 holes in your lid, and you only use 5. the other 5 holes must not be left open. As for general humidity after that, the plants transpire through their leaves just like a soil grow. So if you have a good air intake and exhaust, and good air movement, then PM shouldnt be an issue. i have been doing hydro for about 5 years now, and this is my first season with PM. My bloom room is pretty small, but i have 3x 160l buckets full of water. My RH doesnt go above 50% if its a clear day... and then if its overcast and rainy i can see the RH climb to 60%. but generally around 30-40% constant. So to answer you. No, Growing hydro will not adversely affect your RH, but growing hydro poorly will affect your pest management badly ie. powdery mildew, root issues, slow growth.
  3. Hi Guys! Im new to all types of forums, but have a bit of experience growing weed! So here i am saying whatsup and hope that we grow some quality bud together!!
  4. Hi Guys! I came to see what is in this thread and found zero topics!! So here i am to drop what little DWC knowledge and tips that i have. So first up, what is DWC? Deep water Culture is what you would expect, big bucket full of nutrient solution that your roots are submerged into. How does it work? Basically the roots absorb nutrients from direct contact with the water, and they get oxygen from a pump and airstone in the water. Pro's Super fast growth Need the fewest parts to get going compared to other hydro setups issues are relatively easy to sort out Cons Needs daily checks to keep water within acceptable parameters if there is a loss in power to the air pumps, the roots suffocate very quickly and can cause poor yields. so 100% uptime is vital What do i need? - This depends on your budget, but even on a budget you can get everything you need for under 500 bucks Bucket - minimum 10l, maximm is as big as you want. preferably black to prevent light leaks to the root zone. Air stone - get air stones that have a plastic housing which makes them last much longer, or the ball shaped ones. Air pump - get the biggest one you can afford. More air, more oxygen, healthier roots Air hose - i always buy way more than i need due to the low cost Net pots - Depending on how many holes you have in your DWC lid and a few extra Preferred nutrients - liquid nutrients are the way to go. Get a good 3 part nutrient solution for best results and thats it! thats the basic basics of DWC. please ask stuff if you want to know more. I have 8 years growing experience, with 5 years DWC hydro experience.
  5. CreX


    I keep a big bucket of water (roughly 150l at a time) and leave it to stand for at least 24 hours before using it... this way i always have water to feed or just top up my res. I use mycorhizzal fungi as well as a select few other microbacteria's in my DWC setup and must tell you that leaving the water to stand is imperative to the health of your microbes. The problem is not the fresh tap water... but rather what it does to your micro life.. kills them quick... and they dont have a funeral service so they just rot where they die. And that is what causes poor results at the root zone. i have tried going the sterile route and have never had any success until i used microbes and water that has stood for a few days.. Sorry for the potato post! hope this helps you in some way!
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