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Everything posted by highchome

  1. I'm also impatiently waiting for mine to be ready. From what I've seen people seem to mostly say wait for the amber trichomes before starting the flush. I'm planning to listen to these two podcasts that may have more info http://growcastpodcast.libsyn.com/harvest-science-trichomes-and-more-with-dr-coco http://growcastpodcast.libsyn.com/drying-and-curing-cannabis-with-dr-coco And there are quite a few vids on youtube that are not too bad
  2. Sorry, don't want to hijack the thread. Just wanted to say, I want to try that for two reasons. Firstly just to see how it turns out and secondly to see quickly determine the gender so I can clone the females.
  3. @Dank ok change of plan. I've put three of the Kush Cookies seeds into water last night. I'm planning to try going into flower with them with almost no veg time. I think it will be interesting to see how they do. I'll start a grow diary as soon as I know they have germinated
  4. That is impressive! I think it just convinced me to do my next flower with almost no veg time. Very good looking plant there
  5. Nice Good luck, I'll be watching to see how you grow does.
  6. @Dank I was thinking of doing a quick female only grow next (from clones). Is it useful feedback for you if I germinate some of your seeds and keep them in veg during that time? Possibly even make some clones of them etc. I'm hoping that seeing them have a long veg time under lower light may tell you sometime about the genetics? If that does not help let me know and I'll see if I can rather flower them at the same time too
  7. So frustrating. I just found this, so I know the feeling... I'm going to be checking plants a lot more closely from now on (https://www.420sa.co.za/topic/2119-highchome/?do=findComment&comment=32597)
  8. @PsyCLown where would you look at for quality LEDs? Yeah, I'm sure even the CFLs I'm using are wasting a bit compared to good LEDs
  9. You will 100% get lower yields doing that, but you'll get zero yield not growing in the meantime Perhaps start a grow diary too. I got loads of advice that I think helped me get the most out of what I have. As you say, this is an amazing forum
  10. Quite a few of us yes. Perhaps join the CT club, here: https://www.420sa.co.za/clubs/3-cape-town/ I'm using a Bestva LED that looks pretty much like the 1000W one you posted, that + 2 x 100-100W CFLs and 1 * a 100W LED spot-light (super DIY stuff). I could certainly do with a lot more light, but the results have not been bad so far. If you have no choice I think you'll be ok with what you have for now. I.e. don't stop while you wait for a perfect or even good setup. Perhaps consider going direct to flower for faster turnaround on the first grow, may also be better for less light. Which is not to say that I disagree with anything said above, its very good advice. I not sure I'd have got this LED lamp had I been on the forum longer, though perhaps I'd never have started growing if I had to wait to pay 3* more. Personally I'm also looking at what I need to do to improve my light situation, I'd love a better LED setup. I'm just saying I think you can grow for meds so long while sorting things out. BTW once you get to 30 posts, send a message to @ 420sa and ask to join the seed/clone exchange club. I may have some extra clones in the next few weeks as it happens. So just DM me a reminder if you are interested and I'll see what I can do.
  11. My concern is that it depends on what the impurities are. If its only the solvent then sure, boiling it off seems like it should work. But as I understand if its not food grade there could be other impurities in whatever you are using (e.g. lead?) and there is no guarantee that those impurities will evaporate. Many people make BHO though so you'll have to decide how important this is for you. Its not that cheap. I got 1L for ~R600 . However I was surprised how little I used (~100ml ethanol, 30g bud for 6ml oil) . I think keeping the bud and the ethanol in the freezer overnight and doing a single wash will get you pretty good yields for the least amount of ethanol used. Also take a look at dry ice hash. I don't think that is very expensive either.
  12. @Dank seeds arrived. Thanks I'll let you know as soon as I germinate them
  13. Thanks @PsyCLown, I've just ordered some Charlottes Angel fem seeds. Can't wait to give them a try I just started one: https://www.420sa.co.za/topic/2771-what-strains-do-you-like/
  14. As a relatively new grower I'm not sure what strains to try. What strains do you like and why? I'm interested in the strain and why you like it. E.g. good for indoor, good yield, cerebral high, body high, good for pain, good for sleep, good for stress etc or even just strains you have heard of and want to try. I know there are strain database online, but opinions from other growers are very useful IMO. Thanks
  15. That is pretty impressive. Adding to my wish list (Perhaps there should be a recommended strain thread....)
  16. I've also heard the supercropping supporters saying that its also generally useful because the place that you supercrop heals with a very strong knuckle and make the stem much stronger and more likely to hold the cola. I.e. many of them advocate doing it by default to all stems of all plants during veg. I did a few of my unruly stems and the results have been great. Next grow I'll supercrop everything and see how that works out for me
  17. Yeah, I'll tell them to send more photos more often so I can help. I think that they are actually just worried that the plants will actually be male and so are scared to ask. Similar to not going to a doctor in case you are sick Thanks for the help everyone I'll forward on the news. Also I'm more confident that I know what to look for myself now
  18. Hi all, Please can you help me tell if these are male or female. These are plants a friend is growing so these are the only pics I have. I'm still not 100% which is which 1: Some pistils but looks like male flowers? 2: Male 3: Female, that is a calyx not a male flower right? Thanks
  19. Same, I'm a new grower so take that with a pinch of salt. But from the bit of reading I've done it sounds like transplanting is somewhere between fine and good. E.g. https://www.cocoforcannabis.com/transplanting-cannabis-plants-why-when-how/
  20. Great thanks Please could I go for the KC then? Looking forward to seeing how they do
  21. @Dank I'm interested if you still have seeds. I'm happy to pay for delivery BTW Setup: small-ish indoor, LED, coco/perlite with synthetic nutrients
  22. highchome


    Thanks @CreX, I've got that now but its split into 6 PDFs. I'll take a look, thanks again
  23. Right, calcium deficiency, at least that is easy to deal with. Thanks @greenkush @Smelly Joe
  24. This is happening on a few, but not all, of the leaves closest to the light. Originally I though it was perhaps light burn, but now I'm thinking Mg or Zn based on some googling. Does anyone know? Thanks
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