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About Psycad

  • Birthday 02/27/1997

Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    Brooklyn sunrise x gorilla glue, OG cookies x gorilla glue, confidential cheese, exodus cheese, harlyquin, currylato, chocalope x gorilla glue, bubbu kush x gorilla glue
  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Home made super soil \ hydroponic dwc
  • Preferred Lighting
    Hps\ mh
  • Favourite Strains
    Gorilla glue, brooklyn sunrise, OG cookies, exodus
  • Grow Room Setup
    Dwc\slow flow system
  • Preferred Nutrients
  • Indoor or Outdoor
    Indoors and Outdoors
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Puff puff

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  1. Getting started with a dwc\slow flow system almost finished up just need a few parts here and there🔥 just need a few ball valves to regulate flow and a few end caps then we good to go🔥🔥🔥🌲 this system can produce 3kg+ in 4month at half running capacity if i had more lights😂 lets see what we get👽🌲🔥







    1. 1000Hills Nursery

      1000Hills Nursery

      Pretty cool there dude. 

      I love the UV light addition. Most definitely going to help kill all the bad stuff in the system. 

      Would you be able to explain how you going to yield 3kgs in that system at half capacity . We all always looking at improving our growing and nothing beats some good tips. Especially when it comes to yielding in limited space. 

    2. Psycad


      Hey thanks forthe reply🔥🔥 

      Okay so this system consists of 4m long pvc pipes each having 10 holes in them and iv got 5 pipes, so if i focuse on sertain strains and indica vs sativa is could drastically alter the end outcome. So lets say i focuse on indica dominant and use all 50 holes (indica is smaller and heavier producers) and aim at getting 100grams per plant the end results will be 5kg, so im going to use 25-30 of these holes to have sufficient spacing (half capacity) ending in 30 plants x 100grams each. So basically its all in what dominance you choose and if you stick to one strain per grow to have an even canopy and light evenly spread accrost the canopy🌲🔥 

      Hope this answers it all✌

    3. 1000Hills Nursery

      1000Hills Nursery

      Nice decent sized system man. I apologize in advance if this isn't your 1st rodeo and you have hit these numbers with similar equipment. Again I question you in the hope that I can learn something that can help me improve my yields. 



      I think it's going to be a challenge yielding 100g/plant regardless of variety or if you gonna monocrop. Even with skipping a hole for the additional space between plants. 

      The 400W lights also going to hamper your target yield with skipping a hole between plants. What sort of yield do you usually pull from one 400 Watter? I flower under 1000 Watters and the best I average is 600g per light with clones. My seeds room I yield alot less per light and usually add in some clones to cover up for the poorer phenos that we unfortunately come across. 

      In saying all this I commend you on your plan and hope you do a grow diary. Regardless of what you yield it will be fun to watch as I don't remember seeing a setup like yours being used here. 


  2. Would be stoked to win some snapshots out of a life of a grower thanks for the opportunity✌❤
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