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Everything posted by Dutchpride

  1. Oh and ya just for me and a few mates
  2. Sorry had to remove don't want any unwanted eyes to see that one, I've just done my first crop now so no expert just yet...... But the good news is that I am a farmer by trade so have a good growing background and my name should say it all..... Sad thing is still a long way and a lot of money to go before I can flip that switch.
  3. Im using the ones from china 9 LED's and 9 600w 400v HPS, ya i think the LED's were around 30k something so budget went down the drain there lol. The room is +/- 40m2 ( its a funny shaped room ) I've just googled allot also on dutch forums and there are lots of arguments of which is better, basically it is that HPS = quantity and LED is Quality and a mixture is a little less quantity and a little more quality. therefore i wanted to test out the theory myself.
  4. Im busy with my new room a little out of money but in 2 months or so I should be up and running, Im mixing a couple of 600w LED's and 600w HPS. With the research I did its probably best to do some form of mixture, but ill keep updating when I start
  5. Having a problem with it being very leafy but that could be my fault or a bad mother ill send you a pic on monday when im back from holi.
  6. The Jack Herer is from greenhouse seeds also doing there white rhino and super silver haze
  7. My Jack herer from my first cycle of a couple of plants In a 60l bag with a medium I got from the farm. I use a dripper system for the ladies, tried mixing my own nutes but got some burning so moved to greenhouse seeds nutes from hydroherbafrica
  8. Hey Guys im from outer JHB im an occasional smoker and growing a hole bunch indoor now, Hope to get some good info to get my ladies to A+ standards!
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