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Nikkel last won the day on February 6 2020

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  1. The one leaning over is full of amber tricombes... Its the cam flash making it look brighter.... The other one most probably have another week or so to go as its starting to amber here n there. Dont have a magnifying glass so have to judge by eye...
  2. Buds starting to hang to the side...looks like harvest time!
  3. Some night shots with flash...
  4. What's surprising is its all regular tap water... They get watered daily... Nitrosol mix every 3rd week...moved into direct sun daily if wind is not too hectic like its been in Cape Town lately and back to garage at night
  5. Its been a while... culled 2 of them...males...other ladies doing well
  6. Cleared up all the riff raff below and in between so the sun can do its job a bit better. Looks like they almost in flower.... Getting impatient now lol!
  7. Overdue update... Sativa got culled...showed me his balls...other ladies still in veg...wind's been kak in Cape Town for the past +-4 weeks so haven't been put outside as much but they still going good
  8. No developments to report as of yet... gave them a trim about a week ago.
  9. The smell is absolutely awesome! At 1st it had a stink bitter fragrance but 3 days or so ago there's a very strong fruity aroma! I cant place exactly what fruit just yet but its VERY pungent! Otherwise all good, still no nutes, just tap water... I know I said I'll defoliate them but never got around to it yet... The sativa smells the frutiest of the bunch and grows much faster...
  10. Its definitely Sativa, as for what it is, no idea. All these seeds I got from 2 friends. Out of the Indica strains, 2 are either Skunk and one is cheese or vice versa and then the Sativa. I'm still just growing these for pure fascination more than anything else. My only aim with these are to see them flower buds! If all goes to plan I'll most probably sample some of it and give the rest away once dried and trimmed. I also haven't fed them any other nutes besides the Kelpak since more than a month ago. The soil and plain old tap water does its thing nicely! The indicas are more tight knit, low and bushy while the Sativa even after all of them was topped seems to grow at a much faster rate
  11. Will defoliate them a bit this weekend...otherwise all good
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