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transkei bones

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  1. Hi fire apparently yes you can iv been told all I need to do is change the light times to 18/6 to veg thats it and 12/12 to flower
  2. Almost lost them had a major nutrient problem hope the damage wasnt to bad this is what they looking like now.
  3. So then I'm going to use water only from now on it might hel them.
  4. Nothing sprayed only thing iv done is feed them the new ghs nutes again mixed correctly must be because of the soil like maxwell said in previous msg. Just when i used nitrosol with the same soil this never happened. And the second plant same soil water food it has a few but tips from the first feed but otherwise it's doing okay.
  5. Hi 420 the soil I'm using is from a friend who works at one of our local seedling farms so not to sure what it all consists of. I have started using the ghs nutrients with every second watering the ph is now Staying on. 7. I was wrong with my flower time they have been in flower for 3weeks and 2days total of that two weeks have been with the led light.im sure they will be on the one plant has a slight nute burn from the first feed. It seems to be on not to worried about it as it's the first grow indoors. With some bag seed. (Test run) will post two pics one of each. Have a good day let me know what you guys think.
  6. Hi guys just a quick one into week 3 of flower and I've noticed a few big bottom leafs withering up and turning brown is this normal will try get some pics this evening . The temps are good the ph is staying on 7 plenty of air movement the rest of the tree is looking good besides the lower leafs is there something to worry about? Any advice is appreciated. Tks bones.
  7. Hi max the light and fan were the only items I had to purchase the rest I collected for free. So total cost is around 8K so far. Going to be lining it with insulated mylar soon was given two rolls this weekend. So by what u guys see in theppicture do they look like they going to be ready in 4weeks time.they are growing like crazy at the moment u can see the difference every morning before lights go off.will try get some nice clear pictures this week.
  8. Start of week 3 under the led 12/12.
  9. That looks decent . Can u have that cylinder refilled and do u know at what cost? What kind of meter do u have to measure the co2 levels?
  10. Hi guys just wanted to know what you think about adding co2 to the grow box and what methods and experience a have been used and workedd properly. I am thinking about trying to make a diy one just not sure how effective it's going to be. Or Should I rather bite the bullet and go the guaranteed way with tank, regulater .and the rest of what's needed. Thanks.
  11. That's going to be a full time job . The thatched roof is going to help with the heat inside and out what about that big opening were the sun lights coming in? U going to need a body suit and maybe a welding helmet to be able to work in the room when the lights are on
  12. thats a lot of space been used the correct way cant wait for a pic of the room in full swing its going to be jaw dropping most normal ppl like us would give up a left nut to have a grow setup like that. good luck with the adventure u going to be having
  13. was supposed to tell you guys the pics were taken a few seconds before the lights switch on. after there sleep. some criticism pls
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