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PsyCLown last won the day on September 12 2024

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Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    Forever changing
  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Coco & perlite
  • Preferred Lighting
    LEDs - Quantum Boards
  • Grow Room Setup
    Not enough space...
  • Preferred Nutrients
    GHE TriPart
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Vaping and dabs on occasion

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  1. I have a set of QB's and drivers to go with the QB's. No spare drivers unfortunately.
  2. I believe they are struggling due to the loadshedding. Not sure whether Dennys has closed down or if production has just been reduced? Bit of a concern, very limited supply of mushrooms and then what's going to be in low supply next?
  3. So let's bump this thread and see what's happened since we've been in stage 6 and talks of stage 9 and greater coming. What is everyone doing? I'm going to assume the loadshedding has lead to some no longer growing indoors?
  4. @Sticks@Sticks R2500 each, although these must go. So if you're interested drop me a PM and make me an offer, be it for one or all of them. All are brand new and unused, gathering dust in my garage.
  5. I have 4x 120W Quantum Board lights, all are brand new and unused and come with all the accessories (rope ratchets, power meters etc. etc.) Some are 3500K and some are 3000K, I planned on using them but then changed my grow setup so no longer have a use for them and pointless having them sit around in my garage gathering dust. These are from Light It Up if anyone is wondering. If you take all 4, I am sure we can work out a better price as well. If you have any questions, drop me a PM!
  6. So I have quite a few 22L Plant Matter fabric pots which I want to sell, they have all been washed and I wash them between each grow. I'd like R40 per pot, I have quite a few available. Shipping can be arranged, collection is fine too.
  7. I still have some pots available.
  8. So I've not put the covers on so I can easily monitor the water level in the trays. I went with the Easy2grow setup, so 2 pots per tray. Also using the smaller pots, so far the top of the coco has remained wet... Maybe because they're still small clones or maybe because it's a shorter pot?
  9. So I have a 40x Blumat Tropf Carrot kit (the dripper carrots) as well as some extras as seen in the picture. Putting it up for sale as I am trying out Autopots. The Blumats are awesome though and work really well. One of the best parts is that it only waters the plants when the medium dries up and you can adjust each carrot to start watering at different "dryness levels" I know 40x carrots is quite a lot, however one could easily do this as a group buy and split between everyone if it is more than what a single person needs. This could be used in a greenhouse, outdoors, flower bed, indoors and you have the choice of using a gravity fed tank or you can connect a small water pump to the system. So very flexible and versatile. Shipping can be arranged.
  10. So I have quite a few 22L Plant Matter fabric pots which I want to sell, they have all been washed and I wash them between each grow. I'd like R45 per pot, I have quite a few available as there are more inside the box. Shipping can be arranged, collection is fine too.
  11. So I am unable to easily raise the height of my 100L flexitank for my autopots, however it does not seem to be an issue and almost empties my flexitank despite everything being on ground level. Autopots are still very new to me, busy with my first grow with them still so will continue to monitor it and see how it goes - so far loving the fact that I do not need to water manually and can simply topup the res without any further adjustments.
  12. I agree with the others, look at getting a Quantum Board locally. Sent from my OnePlus 9RT 5G using Tapatalk
  13. Not my grow this, but I have a cutting of this pheno. Sent from my OnePlus 9RT 5G using Tapatalk
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