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Everything posted by PsyCLown

  1. @Stinger96 how much do you smoke a day?
  2. EC is Electrical Conductivity and is an alternative way to measure nutrient concentration in your res water. PPM is the same thing in theory, just a different value. Think of it as meters and inches, they both measure just in different values.
  3. @Za Weed Lover no reason you cannot use it for a full grow. When you switch to flower, you change your res and your nutes and obviously light cycle. You will certainly want to invest in a good quality PH meter and have a good EC / PPM meter too.
  4. Nice! Glad it's working well for you so far. Instead of misting the plants, you can mist the walls / reflective stuff around them and that will evaporate and in turn increase the humidity, do you have a hygrometer in there to check what your humidity is? Are you in Gauteng or WC? Being by the ocean should increase your average humidity quite a bit, in JHB the humidity has been pretty low around 25 - 32% according to my hygrometer. Extra humidity would be preferred.
  5. Well, 400W of what type of lighting? 400W of HPS, 400W CFL and 400W LED are all very different things. Also "400W" of LED can be misleading at times. Not uncommon to see "1200W" LED fixtures which only give between 120W - 250W. Also what is the size of your grow area? How many plants do you want to grow etc?
  6. I'd say remove the CFL's, keep the LED's. Save on electricity. Even those smaller "globe" LED's, not sure how effective those are. If it were my grow, I would probably just use the blurple LED's.
  7. It is the light cycle which forces the plants to flower, not the spectrum. However the plant wants more red spectrum during flowering, so a warm white is more beneficial compared to a neutral or cool white. I would get rid of those CFL's if it were my grow. Are the rest of the lights LED's with one reptile heater globe? Kelpak is more for seedlings, I wouldn't use it on larger plants. Multigro, sounds like a general nutrient mixture and not one specifically for flowering. I do not know what those EHG nutrients are like though, I have not looked into either of them although I'd probably consider giving those a go considering the one states it is for bloom so should be higher in Phosphorus and Potassium. Good luck with flowering!
  8. @Kgrows That is cool, I wonder how much CO2 you get from there and how effective it is? So none of the pipe go into the tap water? How much water goes into the Sugar & yeast bottle?
  9. Day 86 / Day 34 of Flower An update on the remaining plants, pics were taken last night. If you want updates on the Chocolope, head over to my Indoor Grow Off thread. Girl Scout Cookies (Thin Mint) x Bruce Banner #3: Lots of bud sites here, canopy turned out really nicely. Needs to start fattening up Seedsman CBD Critical Mass: I have a bit of a soft spot for this plant and have since the beginning. Really eager to try some of the bud, meant to be a 1:1 ratio of THC : CBD although potency is on the lower side at around 8% Not a lot of bud sites but the colas are well sized and are starting to fatten up. Smell is getting good, very pleasant although very different compared to the Bag Seed. Bruce Banner #3: Tall plant and looking a little lanky still, although I have no doubt she will start filling out and fattening up nicely soon. From the same batch of seeds which @Master_G has been growing, his are a bit older and looking superb! The Bruce Banner also has this double, or perhaps triple budsite mutation which looks cool and makes the bud a bit fatter - curious to see what happens towards harvest time and how much of a size difference there is etc. Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner #3 There is a grape scented pheno which I hope I have, although so far it is not looking that way. There is still a bit of time though. @Master_G and @greenkush have ended up with this pheno from the batch of seeds, hoping I am not left out. haha Above the canopy: Below the canopy:
  10. So CO2 allows the plant to make use of more light, that is how it works. It can also be useful as it can help reduce pest issues as they generally need air and co2 will cause them to suffocate. In order for CO2 to be cost effective, the room needs to be able to fully seal so the CO2 does not escape. I think this is where most people struggle if you are on a budget - which most of us are. If the room is fully sealed then you could easily end up with heat issues due to no extraction of warm air (even from LED's, in a tent it can make a difference for sure). Also you need certain equipment for CO2 which locally can be rather expensive. A couple of thousands. I have never given it a try, currently not very set on trying CO2 although that may change sometime in the future. Will have to see.
  11. So I guess I should do an update, right? Pollen certainly took, it seems as if the seeds are starting to form and the bud is fattening up too on the Daquari Lime auto. As for the Charlottes Angel, still no signs of flowering... So I took a few cuttings and popped them into my bubble cloner. They're getting seriously bushy, I did not take any pics of the Charlottes Angel. I also stopped with the STS spray on the Charlottes Angel as I am not seeing any pistils and would like some bud formation before I get some pollen.
  12. It was just an example, that is very expensive. Do not purchase from there.
  13. Well what budget did you have in mind for lighting?
  14. @Vera Green there isn't an ideal lighting system, they all have pro's and con's and personal preference comes in as well. Some still swear by HID's while others feel it's silly and would rather grow with LED's. Some other technologies are starting to become a bit more popular as well but time will tel whether they are worth while or not and currently they're super expensive. LED's have a lot of pro's, although can be a little pricey to purchase initially. If you purchase some good LED's off the bat you will not regret it though. Most of the T5 tubes are rather low watts, I was thinking you'd use larger CFL's, something like this: https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponics/cfl-2700k-warm-white/?attribute_pa_size=300w-envirogro-2700k-warm-white&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwb3rBRDrARIsALR3XeaBgPcBJ4k1-6GHs5uK0akXPM4c_dI5bDS0AD847_laM-uDuYfgwlAaAga9EALw_wcB It's a tricky situation, growing indoors isn't always budget friendly - often it's rather pricey actually.
  15. Welcome! Stat a grow diary and share your grow with us!
  16. I'm not too clued up about outdoor grows, not sure whether it will revert to veg or not as it seems a few weeks into flower already. It could be an autoflower as well, although a bit late to flower if that is the case. Best would be to monitor it and see. Neem is for pest control and generally sprayed onto the leaves. If you want to flower it and it is flowering, you want to increase Phosphorus and Potassium - a bit of Calcium and Magnesium will be good too.
  17. CFL's are really not ideal, also a single larger CFL is better than multiple smaller CFL's. If height is not an issue, then I would seriously suggest you consider other options of lighting. CFL will suffice and you can grow cannabis with it but I do not think the struggle and money spent is worth the effort and time invested as your yield will suffer for sure. I'd suggest you look into other lighting options, be it LED or even a cheap HID setup. Depending on how long term you want to do this for, forking out the money upfront for decent LED lights which are a lot more energy efficient is well worth it. Also you can veg and flower under the same spectrum. Otherwise if you dislike LED for whatever reason, forking out the money for an HID setup will far out perform any CFL setup you could rig up for the same amount of money. CFL is fine for clones and seedlings, I would prefer to stop using CFL once the plants get bigger. My 2c
  18. Damn man, teas for days! If this continues I think we will need to ask @420SA to give you a custom title of "Tea Meister" hahaha You need to post your recipes please! Perhaps there are a few good ideas I can steal from you! As well as everyone else!
  19. This would make sense, Russell AKA Adams. 300KG is hard to write off a personal use, that car must stink! Even cheap shitty weed is going to smell when you have that much inside a car. Very silly to pack it as such, I have noticed on the longer trips its the cars packed heavily or the older ones which often get pulled over now a days. So who has tried to call Adams or add him on Whatsapp?
  20. Day 83 / Day 31 of Flower So a half-assed update, plants are all looking great. I snapped some pics of my Bag seed - so far I think I will be keeping her and am glad I took cuttings. Such a sweet and fruity smell too. Although the proof will be in the pudding after harvesting and curing her, she is flowering really nicely and tons of trichomes! Best I start thinking of a name, although once again it may need to wait until I have harvested and can sample her. I will make a plan to snaps some pics of the other plants too, but I gotta take them out to do so which is quite a mission.
  21. Would have been nice to throw in some OM soil to compare as well, sort of like a baseline of sorts.
  22. Nice, glad it's going well. She won't wilt unless you neglect her. Babying cuttings with a humidity dome just makes them weak. Also the info out there about cutting up the end of the stems, I call BS. None of my roots have come from the cutting section so far, all have come from the stem itself. Having a humidity which will make veg plants happy, will make the clone happy too. Let us know how it goes and good luck.
  23. Unlucky man, perhaps give it a bit of time to cool off and then consider a tent to be a bit more discreet if you'd like to move it back to your place. If there was that much light leaking, it wouldn't have been ideal during flower either. You have some really nosy neighbours!
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