Hi Guys,
I thought Ill share my experience making my first batch of AACT Actively Aerated Compost Tea. Lots of research later I applied the formula and came up with my recipe. I will amend my recipe in the future as I gather all the required.
I used
& Microbe Organics as reference.
Items used:
1 x Airpump
2 x 1m airhose
2 x airstones
1 x 10L bucket with lid
8L x declorinated water
40ml x blackstrap molasses
5ml x fish emulsion (Seagro)
1 x stocking foot
300gr x earthworm castings
50gr x mushroom compost
50gr x Orgasoilux
I fill the bucket with 8L x declorinated water and insert the air pipes with airstone into the water. Let it run so for 2hrs to ensure all the chlorine has evaporated.
I fill the stocking foot with the dry ingredients (300gr x earthworm castings, 50gr x mushroom compost, 50gr x Orgasoilux) and attached it to the bucket to secure it.
I throw in the liquids (20ml x blackstrap molasses, 5ml x fish emulsion (Seagro)) and give it a good stir.
Next morning I checked on the brew and it looks like its brewing, bru.
About 18hrs in I add more 20ml x blackstrap molasses and let it brew more.
At 26hrs its looks like the brew is good. Its smelt sweet earthy aroma.
I diluted the mix 1:5 water ratio. I gave a foliar and a drench feeding to the plants.
I am hoping my plants will respond positively to my AACT.
Let me know if where I can improve the process?