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  1. You not South african my friend? Just because i am not good at your language you think i am stupid.
  2. Try and explain that to the police.
  3. Sure. I will only grow male plants during winter.
  4. Let me try it this way. 1 set of papers per owner of house. your house titel document. = 1.2kg.
  5. It will be a hard decision on the four plants you must kill.
  6. You cannot do that. Sublease and all that. It is one property. You can only rent a room not sell the room.
  7. "Two immature cannabis plants are equal to one cannabis plant. So you as a singleton are allowed 4 flowering cannabis plants. Therefore you are allowed 8 immature cannabis plants and must then cull 4 of them before they start flowering fully." I get you now brother. Thanks for your patience.
  8. I see the point you are making. All i am saying is that a group of 100 flats you can only have 1.2kg in your flat (The one you pay the rent each month). If you rent out a room in your flat, (Someone pay you rent) the limit of the flat remains 1.2 kg.
  9. It is still on one property. Some clever dude will explain it in the papers tommorrow.
  10. That will be good if they do it like that. The section i mentioned they said a flowering plant. Will see if i can find it. Must you have a certain post count before you can post a schedule?
  11. You have a limit per kilogram per household. You will collect rent and they can help with the watering.
  12. Me 1 person. 4 flowering plants... As many seedlings as i like... How many plants bigger as a seedling on my property?
  13. 2 plants over 15 cm count as a flowering plant. Was in my deleted schedule.
  14. So if you have 2 plants taller than 15 cm you van only flower 3 plants. Who will police this? Gonna eat seedling sallad.
  15. My guess is unlimited seeds and seedlings with 4 flowering plants per person and 8 if household have 2 or more persons. Time to get married!
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