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Everything posted by MentalYeti

  1. Afternoon all the wise peeps here. i am looking for some advice please. i ahev recently bought one of these I am not to keen on the results. I understand that it is not a true 1000w. (most likley 100-240w) So I am keen to get one of these. Budget is non existant and trying what ever I can for a decent indoor grow. any recomendations would be supper awesome.
  2. How is it going with your LED? I'm very keen to get your opinion. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  3. Using organic living soil. Does pot size in beggining make a difference? Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  4. No idea about temps yet. It's been okish weather wise. I am getting a PH pen on the next couple of days. Thanks. I've tried something. Will update later with pics. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  5. I will ask my neighbor if he has one. And report back. I think the light will be fine for the space. But we will both have to LST the plant or it will outgrow the area. I don't have a hell of a lot of hight either. Less that 1.5m. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  6. I have the exact same LED. And I am so happy to hear it's not 1000w actual draw. Lol my area is less Than 1 m Sq. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  7. I would love to see what's inside. Lol tempted I am. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  8. I guess it largely depends on your grow space and a few other things. I don't have a huge spot to grow in. And the light was kinda gifted to me. So we live and learn. Good luck with the grow. Also if I could raise mine to 100 I would have also. Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  9. I am a noob so cant answer question one as i have the same light i think, but question 2 I can give my advice. When i first put up the light i had it about cm away from plant. This burned the leaves. It is now 60cm away and plants seem to be doing much better. There are alot of helpfull articles or posts on this Forum. and the ladies and gents are keen to help.
  10. This is my plan.. I am looking at something like this:
  11. I am in the process of buying a PH test kit. should have it early next week. It is not an auto. its a reg bean. Been using tap water at the moment So will keep an eye on it. I need a room. the little box is no fun. I want more plants. lol
  12. i only noticed the flower now. its about 5cm in hight give or take. Lights: 1000w full spectrum LED (18/6 cycle) Soil: Potting soil Nutes: Sea grow water: i only water when the soil is Dry. anything from 3-5 days between water. plants get checked regularly. Its my chosen Hobby so i am in the room Daily. Even if its only to have a look while I puff. leaves seem to be curling a bit. maybe I am just being full of it. so about that reveg though If i keep her on the 18/6 light cycle will she reveg? or should i just grow her out and restart? should get a nug or two. it isnt a clone and actually grown from seed. I got a bit eager and planted in July sometime. didnt expect her to survice but here she is. and i just want to give her the best chance to please me. lololololol
  13. Or this is my imagination. Strain is white Russian. Brought in from outside. Been under lihjts for about 3weeks now. Not sure how old plant is but I am assuming it has started flowering. Any guidance please? Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
  14. I dig Rock/Metal, but i like all types of music. Doors, Violant Femmes, House (sometimes)., etc. but this is my new fav for the busy smoke sessions.
  15. Hi all. Retail Trainer here. Work for an IT company that supports retail outlets. rediscovered cannabis after meds for mental illnes almoste claimed my life. Now i am a second time grower. also took it indoors for a welfare grow (will post pics sometime soon). and will also be growing outdoors this next season. Rock on.
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