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  1. Nice... I dont have enough space though. Thats why im growing in a old chest that used to be filled with books Gotta get creative i guess.
  2. @SkunkPharmIt is a Citizen 22mm CLU048 (4000K). The cob's CRI is 97. Great blue and red spectrum as well as everything in between. I am using EHG nutes. Seems to be ok. The PPFD is currently @ 196. Going to slowly start upping the PPFD from tomorrow.
  3. Grow = Minimalist=Single Plant Finish. You are absolutely right on the coco mix = 90/10 No nutes till two days ago... had to flush the mix properly.PPM no idea! I balance my PH before and after nute mix. I have a 73.something efficiency on my COB. Strains are bag seeds... literally testing light efficiency. Thanks for the welcome!
  4. Hi All, Posting some pics = 11 Days I want to ask for a progress report :-). Any comments please? Rolo
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