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About Tanjam

  • Birthday January 29

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  1. Good afternoon lovely imbibers;) I am a new outdoor grower from Middelburg,  Mpumalanga and after perusing this site, I realize I've stuffed up royally because I didn't do nearly enough research! I just planted some seeds from reasonable but not at all amazing stuff.  I am now after auto-flowering sativa strains and went on a couple of seed sites-they charge R650 but don't say for how many:( As they take a month or so to deliver, can I still plant then (roughly mid  October? Or to save waiting, is there anyone in my area who may have seeds available-I am prepared to drive;) Any pointers or suggestions are most welcome, thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tanjam


      Ps I lack patience so your last suggestion is a bonus;)

    3. Tanjam


      Excellent;))) Cheers;)

    4. Tanjam


      Hey BC, Thanks for the biltong and budz tip-just had  a delivery of a few autoflowers-can I just plant them straight into a big pot or must I put them in seedling trays? I read that they're sensitive and don't like being transplanted.

  2. I shall research autos and photos-haven't heard of them;)
  3. Yeah I did plant early - I have lots of seeds so may plant again later;)
  4. True but I do have a little help thankfully;)
  5. I thought I'd go for smaller ones first because I have a lot more newbies than expected!
  6. Brilliant-thanks so much;) I just chucked in seeds from the last decent lot that I had-ever the optimist, I have high hopes;)) Middelburg isn't that great but the soil is good and I have plenty of space - just wish I'd done this years ago!!
  7. HI there-they're in those little 6 part trays and I am growing outdoors. Thank you for the soil tip, will look for the link;) I've many questions so will pepper this site soon with them:))
  8. Hello;) I am a first-time grower and my seedlings are three weeks old-I want to transplant them soon but am not sure which size pots are appropiate and also if I must use one plant per pot? I live in Middelburg, Mpumalanga and am not hopeful that the local garden centres will have organic soil-will a good potting soil do? I would be grateful for any info, thanks;)
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