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About Mr.Kaneh

  • Birthday 04/20/1992

Grower Info

  • Current strains growing
    Charlottes Angel 👼, Bluedream (flower), Durban Poison& 🍍xpress(seedling)
  • Preferred growing medium or system
    Coco + Perlite + Soil
  • Preferred Lighting
    Natural sun + LED
  • Favourite Strains
    WhiteWidow ; 🧀
  • Grow Room Setup
    600W HPS-+4plants-1.2x1.2space
  • Preferred Nutrients
    ExploGrow; Compost
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Preferred Medicating Methods
    Edibles; Joints, bong; Vape;

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  1. Will do just that . To be fair Back when I got started I knew nothing about growing let alone genetics and breeding. It looked like a solid plan blowing some cash thinking I was investing not knowing that there is a network of professionals around the corner
  2. So you guys are basically telling me i wasted all that effort importing these strains and then clinging on to them for 4years and its just because of the allure of a strain that might not even be worth the name i thought at least the strain hunters would sell legit genetics . @Prom probably need more like a national breeding council, shiny stamps of certification and all the barcoding with the gps tracking I have never smoked nor seen a Durban Poison plant so this is purely peach fuzz territory for me when does one know that a breeder is fuffing around? Would you have to grow an entire cycle before finding out. That is if you have the expertise. Which in my case is naught Then i open my e-mail and now there’s purple peanut butter…
  3. So apparently its not that difficult taking these shots. All you need is a decent camera 📸 with dope ass lighting. 



  4. My first ever seed purchase was made from dopeseeds in 2016 and only arrived late that year. Grew and failed some strains but always stayed well clear of touching The Dutch Passion Durban Poison pods. Till now. I have feared failure or disappointment long enough. I am finishing off with my last ever flowering in the grow room and prepping for moving so this promises to be a challenging grow, but persistence will suffice. I also popped Pineapple express from a bag and Peach pure CBD to start new mothers for a different project. Popped and planted.. this packet has been chilling in the fridge since growing was illegal illegal.. so im glad my cold storage was successful Pure got baked on the heating element and unfortunately didnt make it. RIP The xpress was popped earlier thus the forwardness. Noticed a small tear on one of the other guys and i fear that we might have to deal with invaders. Havent spotted any yet but will sherlock the situation.
  5. This is super cool, didnt know that charlotte has been making the rounds. busy flushing mine now that rooting over the rock is dope!! ( my snap was taken under yellow hps & flash so colours had to be touched)
  6. The 2year hiatus ends


  7. Atm Im flowering out using coco/perlite/hydroclay pebbles and some compost. Also a DIY mix.. My problems with coco and perlite start when the nutes i feed dont “hit the spot” and deficiencies start popping up. I want to move to a slow release type of grow... i tend to neglect every now and then. Will do a comparative grow with the upcoming cycle. Liquid Nutes vs Slow release. Side by side from clone. Trying to stay as cost effective as possible. Will def check out the article, thanks mate
  8. Hi Guys/Gals so I've tried expanding and growing in larger pots and hit my initial limit of how much I would ideally like to spend on my grows. As great as these “designer” soils are, there has to be a sure thing for the cheapie diy grower out there. So ive scurried arround and found everything the internet says(which isn’t all too expensive when looking at the cost per 30dm bag of soil vs individual amendments) now just the ratios of mixing in -Bonemeal -Worm castings -Compost -Lime -Mycorr -Kelpmeal -Rockdust so im going with a coco/perlite/(still deciding) base... Advise... what to add, what to ditch, any pointers on where to go from here?? this for an indoor grow using 20liter plastic pots
  9. Could come in handy They have always been good to my grows
  10. Just Cannabis is making waves on social media, anybody started using it yet?
  11. I hate how Lesotho does its policy on cannabis. Choking out the families who earn their lively hood from ganja and handing out rights to those who dont have economic interests in the country... way to grow an economy. This looks like a massive headstart as a big corp being able to put their name on products and being sorta first to market come next year is quite the advantage.
  12. @Totemic Ive been looking for specific chillies that I dont have yet. Will def need that hookup. I ordered some reapers, 7pot primos, scotch bonnets and ghost peppers and kind of dont know what happened to those seeds since collecting them. Been reluctant to order ever since. Started harvesting in the meantime and built up a pretty big seed collection without the hassle of paying for less seeds. Only issue is finding exotic peppers.
  13. Thats just inconsiderate. I understand your feels. Will need to craft a less hot sauce.
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